Publications by Reed
Modelling Natural History to Increase Native Seed Collection Efficiency - Space, Time, and Connectivity
Modelling Natural History to Increase Native Seed Collection Efficiency - Space, Time, and Connectivity Natural Areas Conference Reed Clark Benkendorf Senior Spatial Data Specialist & Senior Botanist October 8, 2024 Background Remote Sensing, Citizen Science, Statistics, and Ecology research projects focus on theory and shoot for...
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Thesis talk
March 1st, ’23 Overview 1 | background 2 | questions 3 | approaches 4 | methods 5 | results 6 | future 7 | conclusions Cercocarpus Team Jane Ogilvie (ecological fieldwork, design) Emily J. Woodworth (pollen morphology, and microscopy) Sophie Taddeo (geo-spatial, statistics) Paul CaraDonna (little bees/big picture(s)) ...
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Speecies Distribution Models; Analytical Toolbox for Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists
February 22, ’23 Our general talk is going to follow this formula. We are basically just going to go over the really broad aspects of a model, so that if you are interested in generating one, you have something of road map for the process. Our talk is going to have mostly, theory, with an example species which pops up here and there throughout ...
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Aside Education Northwestern University M.S. Plant Biology & Conservation 2022 Evergreen State College B.S. 2x major - Plant Biology & Biochemistry 2014 Contact reedbenkendorf27@gmail +1-815-355-0631 Skills Highly skilled in R Proficient in SQL, Bash, Python, LaTeX, QGIS, ArcGIS & Genomics, Herbaria - Col. # 2816, D...
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Aside Contact reedbenkendorf27@gmail 447 N° 3rd St. Montrose, CO +1-815-355-0631 Education Northwestern University M.S. Plant Biology & Conservation Fall 2022 The Evergreen State College B.S. 2x major - Plant Biology, Biochemistry 2014 Skills R Packages - near release (!) BarnebyLives - polliPal - HybSequins - UFO...
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Observation records, GIS 2
library(janitor) # this cleans column names library(BIEN) # this gets species observations library(rgbif) # this gets species observations- note not used here as the API, poor documnetation in the vignette. i'll make something for this later library(tidyverse) # all hail library(taxize) # apg 4 list library(kableExtra) # quick clean table i...
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library(tidyverse) library(ggpmisc) elev <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\reedb\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\spr_2020_classes\\gis_1\\assignment4\\Elevation_data.csv") elev <- elev[1:7] elev <- elev %>% dplyr::rename(location = ï..OBJECTID..) %>% select(! Shape..) elev$point <- paste(elev$location, sep="") elev <- gather(elev, key = "point", value...
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Libraries—– library(janitor) # this cleans column names library(BIEN) # this gets species observations library(rgbif) # this gets species observations- note not used here as the API, poor documnetation in the vignette. i'll make something for this later library(tidyverse) # all hail library(taxize) # apg 4 list library(kableExtra) # qui...
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R_data science final
library(tidyverse) library(sf) library(dplyr) library(spData) library(st) library(rgdal) library(GISTools) library(BIEN) library(taxize) library(janitor) library(ape) library(phangorn) library(phytools) library(geiger) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(ggtree) library(tidytree) library(treeio) # Part 1: Master specie...
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library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(janitor) library(ggplot2) library(weathermetrics) library(spData) library(st) library(rgdal) library(GISTools) Above libraries are libraries I love! Import the data which I downloaded from prism. I mass uploaded all O. xylocarpa sites coordinates, and down’ed a CSV of all prism data for monthly mean...
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