Publications by Rashi Ranjan

Testing Working Directory


Default working directory Open up this .Rmd file in RStudio. In the code chunk below type getwd() and run it. “wd” means “working directory”, or where R will currently save files if you tell it to save anything. # Get the current working directory getwd() ## [1] "/Users/rashi/BIOSC 1540/2021-10-14 gwd" Copy and paste the current wd in the...

1855 sym R (261 sym/4 pcs)

Investigating your shroom for the presence of repeats


Add the necessary code to make this script function. Preliminaries Load packages library(seqinr) library(rentrez) library(compbio4all) library(Biostrings) ## Loading required package: BiocGenerics ## Loading required package: parallel ## ## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel': ## ## ...

1199 sym R (5547 sym/45 pcs) 3 img

Testing Google Sheets Access


The goal of this exercise is to make you familiar with how to download data from Google Sheets and to briefly review some key concepts R functions and coding concepts. We’ll do the following things download a list of RefSeq accessions from a Google sheet remove the NAs using na.omit() select out all but one isoform using duplicated() Packages...

865 sym R (2756 sym/25 pcs)

Accessing and analyzing gene data from a spreadsheet


The goal of this exercise is to make you familiar with how to download data from Google Sheets and to briefly review some key concepts R functions and coding concepts. We’ll do the following things: 1. DOWNLOAD ACCESSION IDs FROM A GOOGLE SHEET 2. REMOVE THE NAs 3. SELECT OUT ALL THE ISOFORMS EXCEPT ONE Packages ## Google sheets download packa...

5453 sym R (17556 sym/122 pcs) 1 img

Predicting amino acid properties using regression


Key vocab proteinogenic amino acids regression model / line of best fit pI confidence intervals (CI) confidence ellipse correlation coefficient Selenocysteine and Pyrrolysine re-coding stop codons y = m*x + b slope intercept Key functions / packages ggpubr pander lm() coef() cor() round() Predict pI for an Selenocysteine and Pyrrolysine Amino...

5651 sym R (4459 sym/23 pcs) 1 img 5 tbl