Publications by your name

ANLY 540 Cluster Analysis


Load the libraries + functions library(readr) library(cluster) library(pvclust) library(reticulate) py_config() ## python: C:/Users/raavi/AppData/Local/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/python.exe ## libpython: C:/Users/raavi/AppData/Local/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/python36.dll ## pythonhome: C:/Users/raavi/AppData/Local/r-...

2261 sym R (83857 sym/32 pcs) 7 img

Linear regression


Load the Libraries + Functions Load all the libraries or functions that you will use to for the rest of the assignment. It is helpful to define your libraries and functions at the top of a report, so that others can know what they need for the report to compile correctly. library(readr) library(Rling) library(car) library(boot) Import the Dat...

4644 sym R (8142 sym/41 pcs) 8 img

ANLY540 Project


Introduction Since the beginning of year 2020, the worldwide spread virus Covid-19 has resulted in economic fluctuation especially within the stock market. The stock market has experienced an increasing volatility. Covid-19 has impacted the global economy in an unprecedented way. In the United States, volatility levels in the middle of March 2020...

9869 sym R (141444 sym/95 pcs) 4 img



Load the libraries + functions Load all the libraries or functions that you will use to for the rest of the assignment. It is helpful to define your libraries and functions at the top of a report, so that others can know what they need for the report to compile correctly. library(reticulate) Load the Python libraries or functions that you will us...

1355 sym R (4689 sym/16 pcs)

Vector Space assignment


Load the libraries + functions Load all the libraries or functions that you will use to for the rest of the assignment. It is helpful to define your libraries and functions at the top of a report, so that others can know what they need for the report to compile correctly. ##r chunk library(gutenbergr) library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(t...

2472 sym R (3769749 sym/27 pcs) 2 img

Topic Models


For this assignment, you will use the same data as the Factor Analysis assignment to discover the important topics in U.S. Governors’ tweets about the pandemic. The dataframe for the assignment includes four columns - State, Name, and Party of Governor plus the Text of their tweets. The Text column is the one you should process and analyze. Lo...

1972 sym R (37132 sym/25 pcs) 1 img

Network models


Load the libraries + functions library(gutenbergr) library(stringr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(memnet) library(jsonlite) library(dplyr) library(tidytext) library(widyr) library(ggplot2) library(igraph) library(ggraph) The Data Book Chosen: Crime and Punishment titles = c('Crime and Punishment') books = gutenberg_works...

1149 sym R (2503 sym/9 pcs) 1 img



Python Application Import the completed_clean_data and convert to a pandas dataframe. This dataset includes a list of scientific research articles that all appeared when I searched for “databases”, “corpus”, and “linguistic norms”. library(reticulate) library(readr) completed_clean_data <- read_csv("completed_clean_data.csv") ## Par...

1420 sym R (2718 sym/10 pcs)

ANLY520 Tagging Assignment


Libraries / R Setup In this section, include the libraries you need for the R questions. ##r chunk library(harrypotter) library(reticulate) library(tagger) library(rJava) library(qdap) ## Loading required package: qdapDictionaries ## Loading required package: qdapRegex ## Loading required package: qdapTools ## Loading required package: RColorBr...

2514 sym R (20602 sym/24 pcs) 1 img