Publications by R with White Dwarf
Acerca de R White Dwarf
White Dwarf esta comprometido con promover el uso de R y llevarlo a mas personas. Manuel Teodoro Tenango (teoten) Teoten es estad?stico y analista de datos con estudios en ecolog?a y ciencias ambientales. Cuando no est? trabajando por dinero o idealismo (voluntariado) est? programando y aprendiendo cosas nuevas. La programaci?n ha sido su pasi?n ...
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Map any region in the world with R – Part II: Obtaining the coordinates
Scope of this post This is the second part of the series to create a map of any region of the world with R. We are creating maps of data showing changes over a span of time for different countries and pointing at all kinds of cities. That basically means that we need to map any region of the world with R. Today there are all kinds of packages and...
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EDA de datos de INEGI
Introducción El análisis exploratorio de datos (EDA en inglés, “Exploratory Data Analysis”) es una de las herramientas más útiles en varias áreas de análisis de datos. El concepto de EDA ha sido utilizado popularmente en los últimos años para referirse a los procesos de exploración primaria de un grupo de datos. Por lo tanto, no exi...
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Using Emacs for R
Easy Emacs To start using R, or almost anything else in Emacs you basically need to know 3 things: 1) How to move in Emacs, meaning understanding what is what and learning a few key commands; 2) What is the configuration file and how to use it and 3) How to use packages to extend Emacs. In the first half of this post I will try to show how easy i...
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Minitutorial: make_logical any string
Welcome to R minitutorials of R White Dwarf Since the beginning of this year I’ve been forced to abandon completely the blog for countless and rather abstract personal reasons that include personal health, family matters and changes in my daily activities including volunteer work as well as main job. As part of the last, I finally got hired for...
3070 sym R (213 sym/1 pcs)
Mini tutorial: hacer tipo lógico cualquier texto
Acerca de este post. Este es mi primer post en español. Es en realidad la traducción de un post que escribí originalmente en inglés hace un par de meses. Pueden ver el post original aqui. Espero que sea útil para la comunidad hispanohablante de usuarios de R. Este post se basa en un trabajo reciente donde mi tarea fue la revisión y depuraci...
3022 sym R (209 sym/1 pcs)
Minitutorial: make_logical any string
Welcome to R minitutorials of R White Dwarf Since the beginning of this year I’ve been forced to abandon completely the blog for countless and rather abstract personal reasons that include personal health, family matters and changes in my daily activities including volunteer work as well as main job. As part of the last, I finally got hired for...
3069 sym R (213 sym/1 pcs)
Map any region in the world with R – Part I: The basic map
Scope of this post When you prepare for a job interview one of the questions they always tell you to prepare is “What are you most proud of?”. Personally I’ve never been asked that question in a job interview but it kept me thinking. Some years ago I developed the R code for the creation of maps of infrastructure for a Political Sciences pr...
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R with White Dwarf 2021-11-27 18:00:00
Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R with White Dwarf. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job. Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here...
400 sym
Functions in R
Background This is the first post of R with White Dwarf and I decided to start this blog with a basic tutorial. There is already a lot of information in the web about getting started with R. With a simple google search you can easily find info on how to install it, how to use R studio or other text editor, learn about the basic functions and conc...
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