Publications by R Views
CVXR: A Direct Standardization Example
In our first blog post, we introduced CVXR, an R package for disciplined convex optimization, and showed how to model and solve a non-negative least squares problem using its interface. This time, we will tackle a non-parametric estimation example, which features new atoms as well as more complex constraints. Direct Standardization Consider a se...
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REST APIs and Plumber
Moving R resources from development to production can be a challenge, especially when the resource isn’t something like a shiny application or rmarkdown document that can be easily published and consumed. Consider, as an example, a customer success model created in R. This model is responsible for taking customer data and returning a predicted ...
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JSM 2018 Itinerary
JSM 2018 is almost here! Usually around this time, I comb through the entire program manually making an itinerary for myself. But this year I decided to try something new – a programmatic way of going through the program, and then building a Shiny app that helps me better navigate the online program. The end result of the app is below. (I might...
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June 2018: Top 40 New Packages
Approximately 144 new packages stuck to CRAN in June. That fact that 31 of these are specialized to particular scientific disciplines or analyses provides some evidence to my hypothesis that working scientists are actively adopting R. Below are my Top 40 picks for June, organized into the categories of Computational Methods, Data, Data Science, E...
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Two Big Ideas from JSM 2018
The Joint Statistical Meetings offer an astounding number of talks. It is impossible for an individual to see more than a small portion of what is going on. Even so, a diligent attendee ought to come away with more than a few good ideas. The following are two big ideas that I got from the conference. Session 149, an invited panel on Theory versus...
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Highcharting Jobs Friday
Today, in honor of last week’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), we will visualize jobs data with ggplot2 and then, more extensively with highcharter. Our aim is to explore highcharter and its similarity with ggplot and to create some nice interactive visualizations. In the process, we will cover how to import BLS data from...
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TokyoR #71
Last month, I was delighted to be invited to speak, along with Hadley Wickham, at the seventy-first meeting of the TokyoR user group in Tokyo, Japan. This day-long mini-conference attracted more than 200 attendees and featured 16 talks that covered a wide range of topics, including two near-real-time analyses of World Cup Soccer games (here and h...
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Learning Analytic Administration through a Sandbox
It all starts with sandboxes. Development sandboxes are dedicated safe spaces for experimentation and creativity. A sandbox is a place where you can go to test and break things, without the ramifications of breaking the real, important things. If you’re an analytic administrator who doesn’t have access or means to get a sandbox, I recommend t...
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July 2018: Top 40 New Packages
July was a big month for submitting new packages to CRAN; by my count, 251 unique and truly new packages were accepted. In addition to quantity, I was pleased to see quality and variety. For instance, tropicalSparse, a package for exploring some abstract mathematics, and eChem, a package for teaching analytical chemistry, exemplify R’s expansio...
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Slack and Plumber, Part One
In the previous post, we introduced plumber as a way to expose R processes and programs to external systems via REST API endpoints. In this post, we’ll go further by building out an API that powers a Slack slash command, all from within R using plumber. A subsequent post will outline deploying and securing the API. We will create an API built ...
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