Publications by R Views
Chapman University DataFest Highlights
Editor’s Note: The 2017 Chapman University DataFest was held during the weekend of April 21-23. The 2018 DataFest will be held during the weekend of April 27-29. DataFest was founded by Rob Gould in 2011 at UCLA with 40 students. In just seven years, it has grown to 31 sites in three countries. Have a look at Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel’s post Gro...
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Learning things we already know about stocks
This example groups stocks together in a network that highlights associations within and between the groups using only historical price data. The result is far from ground-breaking; you can already guess the output. For the most part, the stocks get grouped together into pretty obvious business sectors. Despite the obvious result, the process of ...
17758 sym R (4777 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
Control Systems Toolbox – System Interconnection
Introduction Dynamic systems are usually represented by a model before they can be analyzed computationally. These dynamic systems are systems that change, evolve or have their states altered or varied with time based on a set of defined rules. Dynamic systems could be mechanical, electrical, electronic, biological, sociological, and so on. Many...
14549 sym R (2218 sym/8 pcs) 24 img
July 2017 New Package Picks
Two hundred and twenty-four new packages were added to CRAN in July. Below are my picks for the “Top 40” packages arranged in eight categories: Machine Learning, Science, Statistics, Numerical Methods, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities and Visualizations. Science and Numerical Methods are categories that I have not used before. The idea behi...
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RStudio::Conf 2018
It’s not even Labor Day, so it seems to be a bit early to start planning for next year’s R conferences. But, early-bird pricing for RStudio::Conf 2018 ends this Thursday. The conference which will be held in San Diego between January 31st and February 3rd promises to match and even surpass this year’s event. In addition to keynotes from Di...
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Writing and Publishing my first R package
Inspired by the Community One of the themes at useR 2017 in Brussels was “Get involved”. People were encouraged to contribute to the community, even when they did not consider themselves R specialists (yet). This could be by writing a package or a blog post, but also by simply correcting typos through pull requests, or sending a tweet about a...
5032 sym R (1043 sym/5 pcs)
Asset Contribution to Portfolio Volatility
In our previous portfolio volatility work, we covered how to import stock prices, convert to returns and set weights, calculate portfolio volatility, and calculate rolling portfolio volatility. Now we want to break that total portfolio volatility into its constituent parts and investigate how each asset contributes to the volatility. Why might we...
4605 sym R (4767 sym/12 pcs) 4 img
Enterprise-ready dashboards with Shiny and databases
Inside the enterprise, a dashboard is expected to have up-to-the-minute information, to have a fast response time despite the large amount of data that supports it, and to be available on any device. An end user may expect that clicking on a bar or column inside a plot will result in either a more detailed report, or a list of the actual records ...
8352 sym R (5372 sym/12 pcs) 2 img
Report from Mexico City
Editors Note: It has been heartbreaking watching the images from México City. Teresa Ortiz, co-organizer of R-Ladies CDMX reports on efforts of data scientists to help. Our thoughts are with them, and with the people of México. It has been a hard couple of days around here. In less than 2 weeks, México has gone through two devastating earthqua...
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Survival Analysis with R
With roots dating back to at least 1662 when John Graunt, a London merchant, published an extensive set of inferences based on mortality records, survival analysis is one of the oldest subfields of Statistics [1]. Basic life-table methods, including techniques for dealing with censored data, were discovered before 1700 [2], and in the early eight...
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