Publications by R on

Unhappy in its Own Way


“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” runs the opening sentence of Anna Karenina. Hadley Wickham echoes the sentiment in a somewhat different context: “Tidy datasets are all alike, but every messy dataset is messy in its own way”. Data analysis is mostly data wrangling. That is, before you can do a...

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Filling Ordered Facets From the Bottom Row


On Twitter the other day, Philip Cohen put up some data on changes in Bachelor’s degrees awarded between 1995 and 2015. The data come from the National Center for Education Statistics. It seemed like a good candidate for drawing as a figure, so I had a go at it: Changes in the number of Bachelor’s degrees awarded over the past twenty years. ...

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Us Monthly Births


Yesterday I came across Aaron Penne’s collection of very nice data visualizations, one of which was of monthly births in the United States since 1933. He made a tiled heatmap of the data, taking care when calculating the average rate to correct for the varying number of days in different months. Aaron works in Python, so I took the opportunity ...

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Animated Population Pyramids in R


Amateur demography week continues around here. Today we are looking at the population of England and Wales since 1961, courtesy of some data from the UK Office of National Statistics. We have data on population counts by age (in nice, detailed, yearly increments) broken down by sex. We’re going to tidy the data, make a pyramid for a year, and t...

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Visualizing the Baby Boom


To close out what has become demography week, I combined the US monthly birth data with data for England and Wales (from the same ONS source as before), so that I could look at the trends together. The monthly England and Wales data I have to hand runs from 1938 to 1991. I thought combining the monthly tiled heatmap and the LOESS decomposition wo...

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Spreading Multiple Values


Earlier this year my colleague Steve Vaisey was converting code in some course notes from Stata to R. He asked me a question about tidily converting from long to wide format when you have multiple value columns. This is a little more awkward than it should be, and I’ve run into the issue several times since then. I’m writing down the answer (...

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Congress Over Time


Since the U.S. midterm elections I’ve been playing around with some Congressional Quarterly data about the composition of the House and Senate since 1945. Unfortunately I’m not allowed to share the data, but here are two or three things I had to do with it that you might find useful. The data comes as a set of CSV files, one for each congress...

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Zero Counts in dplyr


Here’s a feature of dplyr that occasionally bites me (most recently while making these graphs). It’s about to change mostly for the better, but is also likely to bite me again in the future. If you want to follow along there’s a GitHub repo with the necessary code and data. Say we have a data frame or tibble and we want to get a frequency t...

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Heatmaps of Mortality Rates


As part of the run-up to the release of Data Visualization (out in about ten days! Currently 30% off on Amazon!), I’ve been playing with graphing different kinds of data. One great source of rich time-series data is, which hosts a collection of standardized demographic data for a large number of countries. Mortality rates are ofte...

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Canada Map


I taught my Data Visualization seminar in Philadelphia this past Friday and Saturday. It covers most of the content of my book, including a unit on making maps. The examples in the book are from the United States. But what about other places? Two of the participants were from Canada, and so here’s an example that walks through the process of gr...

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