Publications by R Consortium
Kaizen Project for R Package Documentation
Anyone familiar with R will know that in addition to being a superb language for statistical computing, it comprises an ecosystem and community of extraordinary depth and commitment. Because of the tradition of providing multiple levels of documentation within contributed R packages, CRAN and Bioconductor have become great repositories of statistic...
2402 sym
Use of R for Marketing and CRM in Tunisia
The R Consortium recently interviewed Amal Tlili of the Tunis R User Group (Also on Twitter) to discuss her background in R and the use of R in the industry in Tunis. Tunis is the capital of Tunisia, in north Africa. Amal uses R in her work for data analysis and visualization. She is an active member of the Data Science community in Tunis and advoc...
5807 sym 4 img
Data Science Program for French-speaking Women in Africa
The R Consortium is happy to announce and help promote the Data Science project for French-speaking Women in Africa. This program begins on March 6th, 2023, and will be led by Dr. Bernice Bancole, honorary Plant pathology researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Thierry Warin, Ph.D., Professor of Data Science for International Business HE...
2224 sym 4 img
Adoption and Expansion of R in Human Resources in Argentina
Sergio García Mora, founder and organizer of the R4HR Club de R para RRHH, gives us a deep dive into the success of the R community in Buenos Aires, a community that was born in the middle of the pandemic and that three years after its foundation has expanded throughout Argentina and now reaching a global audience with their online webinars. Sergi...
8857 sym 2 img
Happy 23rd Birthday R!
R is turning 23 this year on February 28/29th! R 1.0.0 was first released on February 29, 2000, implementing a dialect of the language S, which was developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers. Initially, R was written by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, who were Senior Lecturers at the Department of Statistics of the University of Auckland in A...
4763 sym 16 img
R-Ladies Vitória: Use of R for Public Policy Decisions on Maternal and Child Health in Brazil
The R Consortium recently talked to Agatha Rodrigues of the R-Ladies Vitória. Agatha talked about the growing R community in Vitória and stressed the importance of further promoting the use of R. She also shared her hopes to further the use of R in public policy and discussed her work with the Brazilian Obstetric Observatory during the pandemic. ...
6301 sym 12 img
Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid Collaborates with the National R Congress in Spain
Carlos Ortega, organizer of Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid (Madrid useR Group), shares about the thriving community in Madrid, Spain. Carlos highlights the group’s loyal members and the richness of knowledge being shared in their Meetups. Carlos also shares about his involvement in Spain and the National R Congress for R users. The Madrid R U...
5961 sym 4 img
Comeback! Reviving the Warwick R User Group with In-Person and Online Events
Dr. Heather Turner of the Warwick R User Group (also on Twitter) recently talked to the R Consortium about the group’s struggle to stay active amid the pandemic. With the pandemic and changes in the organizing team, the group took a hiatus for a few years. They made a comeback at the end of 2021 and are currently alternating between in-person a...
7540 sym 6 img
How a UseR! 2014 Experience Led to the Development of a 1,700-member R Community in Budapest
Dr. Gergely Daróczi is an active member of the R community, founder of the Budapest Users of R Network Group and organizer of the satRday and eRum conferences. Gergely shares about his path which led him to become an enthusiastic developer, promoter, and supporter of the R language. He is committed to proving the benefits of the language to the ...
7598 sym 2 img
New Repositories Working Group
The R Validation Hub is happy to announce the Regulatory R Repository Working Group, which will be tasked with designing and prototyping the tools to support a cross-pharma, collaborative repository of regulated use case suitable R packages – You can imagine the end result as being a CRAN-like service for systematically vetting packages for reg...
1984 sym 2 img