Publications by Cassie Boylan DH Kim Alexis M

Data Science in Context - Real Estate Housing


Zillow Housing Data - Examining Changes in the Real Estate Market Cassie Boylan 10/8/2021 Loading Dataset home_values <- read_excel("home_valules_sf_PA_NY.xlsx") home_list_prices <- read_csv("House Price Listings.csv") hnames <- read_csv("home_valules_sf_PA_NY.csv", n_max=0, col_types = paste(rep("c", 9,"n",260) ,collapse="")) %>% names() head...

652 sym R (7146 sym/27 pcs) 11 img

DATA 607 - Assignment 7


library("XML") library("methods") library("rjson") library("httr") library("htmltab") library("RCurl") Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize ourselves with the structures of json, extended markup language and html and how each stores objects and attributes. We generated a simple dataset of books with attributes such ...

517 sym R (3061 sym/7 pcs)

DATA 607 - Project 2


Project 2 Cassie Boylan 10/3/2021 Dataset 1 - Global TB rates This dataset represents the tuberculosis cases reported in the past 30 years by country and demographic. The original dataset has multi-variate columns and is missing a substantial amount of data. I will be tidying this dataset so that each row represents a single observation (i.e. t...

7782 sym R (17102 sym/81 pcs) 10 img

DATA 607 - Project 1


DATA 607 - Project 1 Cassie Boylan 9/16/2021 Loading libraries to use library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(plyr) library(stringr) library(readr) library(data.table) library(visdat) library(scales) Actions Performed for Cleaning and Manipulation Read in text file View Structure/Glimpse the Data/Search for Missing v...

4375 sym R (8177 sym/46 pcs) 1 img

DATA 607 - Assignment 3


Exercise #1 There are 3 majors listed in this dataset that contain ‘DATA’ or ‘STATISTICS’. These majors are: * MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND STATISTICS * COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND DATA PROCESSING * STATISTICS AND DECISION SCIENCE urlfile=(""...

6722 sym R (984 sym/7 pcs)

DATA 607 - Assignment 2


Assignment 2 - Movie Ratings Cassie Boylan 9/5/2021 Importing Data urlfile=("") movie_ratings <- read.csv(urlfile) Introduction of the Data The data reported is from a survey of 10 respondents, 5 male, 5 female, who were asked to rate 6 different movies f...

5896 sym R (10827 sym/56 pcs) 6 img

DATA 607 - Assignment 1


Assignment 1 Cassandra Boylan 08/29/2021 Introduction In this analysis, I took a look at a dataset that examined the “at risk population” within various metro areas around the United States. The dataset also captured the number of hospitals and icu beds available in each metro area as a measure of how prepared each may be in meeting the hea...

2281 sym R (4551 sym/33 pcs) 4 img

DATA 607 - Assignment 5


Assignment Week 5 Cassie Boylan 9/26/2021 library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(tidyverse) library(reshape2) library(readxl) library(httr) Importing the Data cnames <- read_csv("", n_max=0,show_col_types=FALSE) %>% names() vax_info <- read_csv("https://raw....

1778 sym R (2586 sym/16 pcs)

DATA 607 - DS Context Housing


Zillow Housing Data - Examining Changes in the Real Estate Market Cassie Boylan 10/8/2021 Loading Dataset home_values <- read_excel("home_valules_sf_PA_NY.xlsx") home_list_prices <- read_csv("House Price Listings.csv") hnames <- read_csv("home_valules_sf_PA_NY.csv", n_max=0, col_types = paste(rep("c", 9,"n",260) ,collapse="")) %>% names() head...

652 sym R (7146 sym/27 pcs) 11 img

Assignment 9


Loading Libraries library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(rlist) Making HTTP Request via API I assigned the below http request to a local variable called url. My selection criteria is looking for books by the author Naomi Novik and which if any of her novels have made it to the NYT best sellers list. My seco...

1433 sym R (9767 sym/14 pcs)