Publications by quantixed
Pledging My Time V: analysing race results in R
It’s been a while since I posted a breakdown of half marathon times. The last time seems to have been 2018. I decided to give my old code a clean-up and quickly crunched the numbers from the 2022 Kenilworth Half Marathon. First, the results: Briefly, the code below reads in a csv file of race results downloaded from the provider. A little bit ...
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Get Miles: using treemap to visualise running distances
By 30th September 2022, I had clocked up a total of over 2000 km of running in 2022. This milestone was a good opportunity to look at how I got to this point. The code is shown below. First, we can make a histogram to look at the distance of runs. Standard ggplot histogram to look at the frequency of run distances From this type of plot it’s cl...
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Frankly, Mr. Shankly
I read about Antonio Sánchez Chinchón’s clever approach to use the Travelling Salesperson algorithm to generate some math-art in R. The follow up was even nicer in my opinion, Pencil Scribbles. The subject was Boris Karloff as the monster in Frankenstein. I was interested in running the code (available here and here), so I thought I’d run ...
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I’m not following you II: Twitter data and R
My activity on twitter revolves around four accounts. Practice note:@clathrin: science, cell biology, sometimes music and cycling/running@roylelab: lab news and announcements, part of @Warwick_CMCB@quantixed: programming, data, nerdery.Opinions my own etc — Steve Royle (@clathrin) May 4, 2018 I try to segregate what happens on each account, a...
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Turn That Heartbeat Over Again: comparing wrist and chest-strap HRM
As a geek, the added bonus of exercise is the fun that you can have with the data you’ve generated. A recent conversation on Twitter about the accuracy of wrist-based HRMs got me thinking… how does a wrist-based HRM compare with a traditional chest-strap HRM? Conventional wisdom says that the chest-strap is more accurate, but my own experienc...
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Rollercoaster II: more on Google Scholar citations
I’ve previously written about Google Scholar. Its usefulness and its instability. I just read a post by Jon Tennant on how to harvest Google Scholar data in R and I thought I would use his code as the basis to generate some nice plots based on Google Scholar data. A script for R is below and can be found here. Graphics are base R but do the job...
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Ten Years vs The Spread: Calculating publication lag times in R
There have been several posts on this site about publication lag times. You can read them here. Lag times are the delays in the dissemination of scientific data introduced by the process of publishing the paper in a journal. Nowadays, your paper can be online in a few hours using a preprint server. However, this work is not peer reviewed. Journal...
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Rollercoaster III: yet more on Google Scholar
In a previous post I made a little R script to crunch Google Scholar data for a given scientist. The graphics were done in base R and looked a bit ropey. I thought I’d give the code a spring clean – it’s available here. The script is called ggScholar.R (rather than gScholar.R). Feel free to run it and raise an issue or leave a comment if yo...
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Pledging My Time III
I’ve previously crunched times for local Half and Full Marathons here on quantixed. Last weekend was the Kenilworth Half Marathon (2018) over a new course. I thought I’d have a look at the distributions of times and paces of the runners. The times are available here. If the Time and Category for finishers are saved as a csv, the script below ...
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Multiplex: Small multiple artwork from GPX tracks
I’d seen the small multiple artwork of running and cycling routes from Marcus Volz’s R package Strava all over the web. Ads for “posters of your GPS tracks” pop up on Reddit and I’d notice a few #Rstats people put up their posters on Twitter. I’ve had the package bookmarked for a while and this week I finally got round to generating ...
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