Publications by Priya
Geospatial Science
Geosaptial Science: Geospatial science, a multidisciplinary field that integrates geography, technology, and data analysis, plays a pivotal role in understanding and addressing complex spatial problems. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for individuals with geospatial expertise is on the rise. Geospatial science educa...
4020 sym
Geospatial Science
Geosaptial Science: Geospatial science, a multidisciplinary field that integrates geography, technology, and data analysis, plays a pivotal role in understanding and addressing complex spatial problems. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for individuals with geospatial expertise is on the rise. Geospatial science educa...
4020 sym
Title: The Morocco Earthquake of September 9, 2023 Introduction: On September 9, 2023, Morocco experienced a significant earthquake that had far-reaching impacts on the country. Located in a seismically active region, Morocco has a history of earthquakes, but this event stood out due to its magnitude, location, and consequences. This report ex...
4063 sym
Title: The Morocco Earthquake of September 9, 2023 Introduction: On September 9, 2023, Morocco experienced a significant earthquake that had far-reaching impacts on the country. Located in a seismically active region, Morocco has a history of earthquakes, but this event stood out due to its magnitude, location, and consequences. This report exa...
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Title: The Morocco Earthquake of September 9, 2023 Introduction: On September 9, 2023, Morocco experienced a significant earthquake that had far-reaching impacts on the country. Located in a seismically active region, Morocco has a history of earthquakes, but this event stood out due to its magnitude, location, and consequences. This report exa...
4055 sym
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...
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Sample html
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...
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