Publications by Philipp Chapkovski, HSE-Moscow

umbrella first analysis


umbrella_first_analysis Uploading libraries library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, glue) Reading data fn<-'/Users/chapkovski/Downloads/umbrella_2023-10-18 (1).csv' df<-read_csv(fn) Rows: 1572 Columns: 86 ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────�...

215 sym



Our design allows to test the within subject effect of background uncertainty as well as its between subject effect. For the power analysis to determine the sample size we calculate the power to find the between subject effect, as this will be the lower end for the within subject effect. We want to expose participants to three levels of background ...

4166 sym Python (9201 sym/18 pcs) 4 img



x participant.id_in_session participant.code participant.label participant._is_bot participant._index_in_pages participant._max_page_index participant._current_app_name participant._current_page_name participant.time_started participant.visited participant.mturk_worker_id participant.mturk_assignment_id partic...

1 sym 1 tbl

merging socrates data and convert to wide


merging and converting Socrates data to the wide format Author Philipp Chapkovski, UBonn The task overall So we have two datasets: The main data: where there is one row per each participant, with \(X\) number of variables (columns) Annotation data: where there are more than one row per each participant: several coders may annotate the decisio...

2508 sym 5 tbl

toloka demo by sentry status


Toloka sample demographics library (pacman) p_load('tidyverse', 'lubridate', 'kableExtra', 'magrittr', 'sjlabelled','haven', 'vtable') df<-read_sav('toloka_data.sav'); df %>% dplyr::rename(country=`Q2.7`,no_attention=`Q14_19`, use_often=Q9.1) %>% mutate(Education=haven::as_factor(Education, ordered=T), Gender=haven:...

46 sym 1 tbl



NGO donations and catastrophical events: an example library (pacman) p_load('tidyverse', 'lubridate', 'kableExtra', 'magrittr') So, that’s the long text, but I’ve done my best to rid it of unnecessary details, but it’s still long. If the moderators wish, I can reword it or make it shorter. NOTE 1: I don’t want to be a free-rider, nor am I...

3808 sym 3 tbl



Data cleaning Fro the original data we drop all the observations with missing values for declared taxes (decl_taxes variable), missing turnout or average salary per month. We also excluded observations for May where there were a lot of missing values for declared taxes. Effect of treatments on average salary, declared taxes and turnout Here we s...

2231 sym 10 img 10 tbl

hnet analysis


Introduction This data was downloaded from and parsed into a relational database using Python and Django. Parser is available here and the most recent version of the database is available here. The code for analysis is here. In total for the last 20 years (starting from 2000 till December 31, 2020) a bit more than 38.00...

1376 sym 14 img

Sensitivity tester


Clean and merge the data Analyze individual questions Building histograms for personal attitudes, average attitude Friendship Difference between personal attitude and average attitude Estimated distributions Correlation between averages estimated directly and from their distributions: How good they are in estimating average attitudes by sett...

773 sym 13 img

Stress paper analysis


Intro We have some potential candidates for main dependent variable (DV). By a candidate I mean the one that shows significant difference between some treatments in Stage 2. Candidates for main DV: Total number of correct tasks submitted in Stage 2 Total time spent in Stage 2 Average time spent per solving correct task Speed: time spent per solv...

20399 sym 31 img