Publications by Pheroze



NDMA Data Pre processing The following are steps undertaken for initial pre processing of NDMA data. The data is dis aggregated per county for all 23 counties - ASAL. The information covers the years of 2000 - 2020, where data prior to 2016 was stored in a different database (REWAS) and data from 2016 henceforth in the new database (DEWS). In e...

3022 sym R (9554 sym/78 pcs)



NDMA Data Pre processing The following are steps undertaken for initial pre processing of NDMA data. The data is dis aggregated per county for all 23 counties - ASAL. The information covers the years of 2000 - 2020, where data prior to 2016 was stored in a different database (REWAS) and data from 2016 henceforth in the new database (DEWS). In e...

3105 sym R (9605 sym/81 pcs)



NDMA Data Pre processing The following are steps undertaken for initial pre processing of NDMA data. The data is dis aggregated per county for all 23 counties - ASAL. The information covers the years of 2000 - 2020, where data prior to 2016 was stored in a different database (REWAS) and data from 2016 henceforth in the new database (DEWS). In e...

2922 sym R (9359 sym/76 pcs)



NDMA Data Pre processing The following are steps undertaken for initial pre processing of NDMA data. The data is dis aggregated per county for all 23 counties - ASAL. The information covers the years of 2000 - 2020, where data prior to 2016 was stored in a different database (REWAS) and data from 2016 henceforth in the new database (DEWS). In e...

2828 sym R (9151 sym/73 pcs)



NDMA Data Pre processing The following are steps undertaken for initial pre processing of NDMA data. The data is dis aggregated per county for all 23 counties - ASAL. The information covers the years of 2000 - 2020, where data prior to 2016 was stored in a different database (REWAS) and data from 2016 henceforth in the new database (DEWS). In e...

3062 sym R (8968 sym/76 pcs)