Publications by Paul Regier

FYS Fall 2023 Student Survey Report


1 Pre-semester Survey ## ## I agree to participate and am I do not want to participate ## 161 18 ## [1] 0.8994413 2 Post-semester Survey ## ## I agree to participate I do not want to participate ## 199 10 ## [1] 0.9521531...

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Instructor: Dr. Paul Regier Time: Online Email: Place: Online Office hours: 1 Course Description IDS 2881 is a 1-credit-hour course designed as a make up section IDS 2881, the makeup section for those of you who have not completed the 1-hour section of First Year Seminar last fall. 1.1 Rationale R...

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In this lab we will develop the principles of hypothesis testing means and pair-sample means. Lab Objective 1: Write and organize statistical reports in a clear readable format. Lab Objective 7: Construct confidence intervals and use them for hypothesis testing. Lab Objective 8: Calculate and interpret p-values to test hypotheses. 1 Paired Dat...

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FYS Syllabus


Instructor: Dr. Paul Regier Time: Mon/Wed 10:10-11:10 am Email: Place: Austin Hall 213 Office hours: 1 Course Description First-Year Seminar (FYS) is a 3-credit-hour course designed to integrate new students into college life in general and Science and Arts (S&A) life in particular. FYS is part of ...

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BCSSI 2023 - Probability Session Notes


1 Preliminaries Do the following (all free): Download and install R Download and install Desktop RStudio (choose the free version) R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows,...

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Instructor: Dr. Paul Regier Time: Online Email: Place: Online Office hours: 1 Course Description Topics covered include steam and block ciphers, data encryption and advanced encryption standards, public-key cryptography, RSA cryptosystems, and hash functions. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MATH 3263...

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Calculus 1 Syllabus


Instructor: Dr. Paul Regier Time: MWF 12:20 pm - 1:20 pm Email: Place: Austin Hall 213 Office hours: 1 Course Description Study of basic concepts of limits, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of derivatives including extreme value problems, and curve sketching...

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Problem Solving Course Notes


1 Preliminaries These are my course notes. They are available in html (and pdf on request). If you are interested in learning a little programming for working on problems in this course, you may download the following software: Download and install R Download and install Desktop RStudio

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Math 1643 - 5.1 Notes


5.1 Circles Does a perfect circle exists in real life? Why or why not? How do you find the distance between two points on a grid? For example, find the distance between the points \((-3,2)\) and \((2,5)\)? Can you prove the Pythagorean Theorem? Can you prove the distance formula? Use the distance formula to find the distance between \((1,6)\) ...

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5.1 Circles Clicker Question: Does a perfect circle exists in real life? Why or why not? A: Yes B: No way! How do you find the distance between two points on a grid? For example, find the distance between the points \((-3,2)\) and \((2,5)\)? Can you prove the Pythagorean Theorem? Can you prove the distance formula? Use the distance formula to...

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