Publications by V Patel

Data 612: Project1


if (!require("knitr")) install.packages("knitr") if (!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse") if (!require("kableExtra")) install.packages("kableExtra") if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr") Introduction Briefly describe the recommender system that you’re going to build out from a business perspective, e.g. “This s...

7508 sym R (4192 sym/27 pcs)

Data 612: Final Proposal


#load library if (!require("knitr")) install.packages("knitr") if (!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse") if (!require("kableExtra")) install.packages("kableExtra") if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr") if (!require("Matrix")) install.packages("Matrix") if (!require("recommenderlab")) install.packages("recommenderla...

2688 sym R (1095 sym/6 pcs)



Question: Please complete the research discussion assignment in a Jupyter or R Markdown notebook. You should post the GitHub link to your research in a new discussion thread. For this discussion item, please watch the following talk and summarize what you found to be the most important or interesting points. The first half will cover some of the ...

1704 sym 1 img

Data 624 HW1


if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") Week 1 HW Problems 2.1 Use the help function to explore what the series gold, woolyrnq and gas represent. A. Use autoplot() to plot each of these in separate plots: B. What is the frequency of each series? Hint: apply the frequency() function. C. Use which.max() to spot the outlier in the gold seri...

2349 sym R (1782 sym/51 pcs) 32 img

Data 625 HW6


if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") if (!require("ggplot2")) install.packages("ggplot2") if (!require("gridExtra")) install.packages("gridExtra") library(fma) library(forecast) library(tseries) 8.1 Figure 8.31 shows the ACFs for 36 random numbers, 360 random numbers and 1,000 random numbers. a. Explain the differences among thes...

5128 sym R (4864 sym/58 pcs) 20 img



if (!require("Hmisc")) install.packages("Hmisc") if (!require("PerformanceAnalytics")) install.packages("PerformanceAnalytics") if (!require("mlbench")) install.packages("mlbench") if (!require("car")) install.packages("car") if (!require("missForest")) install.packages("missForest") if (!require("Amelia")) install.packages("Amelia") if (!r...

3237 sym R (10752 sym/21 pcs) 10 img



if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") if (!require("seasonal")) install.packages("seasonal") 6.2 The plastics data set consists of the monthly sales (in thousands) of product A for a plastics manufacturer for five years. A. Plot the time series of sales of product A. Can you identify seasonal fluctuations and/or a trend-cycle? autoplo...

1821 sym R (976 sym/8 pcs) 7 img

Data 624 HW2


if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") 3.1 For the following series, find an appropriate Box-Cox transformation in order to stabilise the variance. usnetelec usgdp mcopper enplanements usnetelec autoplot(usnetelec) box_lamda_ulec<- BoxCox.lambda(usnetelec) autoplot(BoxCox(usnetelec, box_lamda_ulec)) 0.5167714 is suggested lambda. u...

1370 sym R (1548 sym/22 pcs) 14 img



if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") if (!require("ggplot2")) install.packages("ggplot2") if (!require("gridExtra")) install.packages("gridExtra") library(fma) library(forecast) 7.1 Consider the pigs series — the number of pigs slaughtered in Victoria each month. A. Use the ses() function in R to find the optimal values of \(\al...

3760 sym R (8374 sym/82 pcs) 8 img



if (!require("fpp2")) install.packages("fpp2") if (!require("caret")) install.packages("caret") if (!require("AppliedPredictiveModeling")) install.packages("AppliedPredictiveModeling") if (!require("naniar")) install.packages("naniar") if (!require("missForest")) install.packages("missForest") 6.2 Developing a model to predict permeability (...

3113 sym R (17412 sym/55 pcs) 5 img