Publications by Pablo Sancho A01722236



Introduction FEMSA is a Latin American phenomenom that has taken over a variety of industries all around the country, and it sells to over a 100 million costumers. It shapes the economy in almost all of these countries, because of it’s enormous impact and immense array of products sold. For this report, we’ll be specifically talking about Coca-...

30747 sym Python (19712 sym/96 pcs) 14 img



library(ggplot2) library(forecast) library(tseries) library(zoo) library(lubridate) library(TSA) library(xts) library(dplyr) library(scales) library(vars) library(readxl) library(car) library(glmnet) library(gridExtra) I. Introduction Time series analysis is the study of data points at distinct intervals over time periods. This technique allows us...

33243 sym R (18252 sym/50 pcs) 10 img



library(ggplot2) library(forecast) library(tseries) library(zoo) library(lubridate) library(TSA) library(xts) library(dplyr) library(scales) library(vars) library(readxl) library(car) library(glmnet) library(gridExtra) I. Introduction Time series analysis is a statistical technique that involves analyzing data points collected or recorded at speci...

33509 sym R (18252 sym/50 pcs) 10 img



library(ggplot2) library(forecast) library(tseries) library(zoo) library(lubridate) library(TSA) library(xts) library(dplyr) library(scales) library(vars) library(readxl) library(car) library(glmnet) library(gridExtra) I. Introduction Time series analysis is a statistical technique that involves analyzing data points collected or recorded at speci...

34929 sym R (18252 sym/50 pcs) 10 img



a. Background Briefly describe the selected dependent variable’s background (i.e., What is the consumer price index?, What is the consumer sentiment). ## How has been the selected variable’s performance over the period 2005 - 2021? library(ggplot2) library(forecast) library(tseries) library(zoo) library(lubridate) library(TSA) library(xts) lib...

13053 sym R (10558 sym/49 pcs) 8 img



library(ggplot2) library(forecast) ## Warning: package 'forecast' was built under R version 4.3.3 ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': ## method from ## zoo library(tseries) ## Warning: package 'tseries' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(zoo) ## ## Attaching package: 'zoo' ## The following objec...

40788 sym R (29698 sym/108 pcs) 11 img

Evidencia 1 - Econometria


Introduction Coca-Cola FEMSA, the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America and one of the world’s most significant, serves over 118 million consumers across Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, the United States, and Peru. With a broad product portfolio, it plays a crucial role in meeting consumer demand, including in the Guadalajara Metropolita...

31032 sym Python (19820 sym/96 pcs) 14 img



1 Introduction For starters, this report was made using the coding language known as R, with the objective of finding out which variables determine the success of a movie. To seek to find this answers, we used the csv file known as movies_metadata.csv. This csv file was obtained from Kaggle (

41092 sym 7 img



1 Contexto El paquete nycflights13 contiene información sobre todos los vuelos que partieron desde Nueva York (JFK, LGA, EWR) a destinos en los Estados Unidos en 2013.Fueron 336,776 vuelo en total. Para ayudar a comprender las causas de los retrasos también incluye otro conjunto de datos útiles. Este paquete incluye las siguientes tablas: fligh...

86925 sym R (67439 sym/153 pcs) 21 img



1 Contexto El paquete nycflights13 contiene información sobre todos los vuelos que partieron desde Nueva York (JFK, LGA, EWR) a destinos en los Estados Unidos en 2013.Fueron 336,776 vuelo en total. Para ayudar a comprender las causas de los retrasos también incluye otro conjunto de datos útiles. Este paquete incluye las siguientes tablas: fligh...

75111 sym R (67439 sym/153 pcs) 21 img