Publications by Obinna Obianom,

R2SYMBOLS R package fetch multiple symbols by keyword


Summary R2SYMBOLS package introduced two new functions that allows inclusion of multiple symbols by keyword. Below are further details on how to use these functions Include library library(r2symbols) Use the symKey() function # fetch a group of symbols by using keywords symKey(keyword = "chess", font.size = 40) ♔♕♖♗♘♙ # when the ke...

713 sym R (936 sym/9 pcs)

Documenting the r2symbols package


Welcome the R2R © packages check tutorials: examples library(r2symbols) symbol.setting(font.size=40,font.weight ="normal",font.color = "purple") symbol("copyright","heart") ©♥ R Markdown This is an R Markdown document.cedi cedi Markdown ((cedi)) ((cent)) is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML...

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Add the shinyStorePlus to your Shiny applications and users will love your app


What is this R package and why does it matter? Have you ever created a shiny app with various inputs that the user can play with? Like what is shown below. The cool thing is that a user can alter the output and immediately see the effects on the graph that is shown on the right. The not so cool thing is that if a user makes changes to the inpu...

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r2resize R package for adding resize toolbar to images and tables in R documents


Visit docs: Install and Use install.packages(r2resize) library(r2resize) Theme setting r2resize::add.resizer( theme.color = "black", position = "top", font.size = "12px", font.color = "black", tables = TRUE, images = TRUE, line.color = "orange", line.height = 5, line.width = 200 ...

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Resizing made easy in Rmarkdown - r2resize


Theme setting .libPaths("/home/oobianom/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.1") library(r2resize) r2resize::add.resizer( theme.color = "blue", position = "top", tables = TRUE, images = TRUE, line.color = "orange", line.height = 5 ) Images Examples Single image Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Am...

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The magic of shinyStorePlus v0.8, transfer browser link parameters to shiny inputs or outputs


With shinyStorePlus v0.8, transfer browser link parameters to shiny inputs or outputs Obinna N. Obianom 2022-11-21 Introduction Imagine that your browser link looks something like this: What if you’d like the transfer the value of data and name and num to a shiny input, and the ...

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Taking the r2resize R package to a new level with multiple new functionalities


Visit docs: Install and Use install.packages(r2resize) library(r2resize) Theme setting r2resize::add.resizer( theme.color = "black", position = "top", font.size = "12px", font.color = "black", tables = TRUE, images = TRUE, line.color = "orange", line.height = 5, line.width = 200 ...

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r2social: Add social share and connect buttons on all your Rmarkdown documents and Shiny applications


Visit docs: Coming soon to CRAN, stay updated Example library(r2social) r2social.scripts() shareButton(link = "", position = "left") facebook linkedin twitter tumblr pinterest whatsapp reddit blogger weibo tiktok visit us instagram telegram vk youtube shareButton(link = "http...

767 sym R (611 sym/8 pcs)

r2social: Add social share and connect buttons on all your Rmarkdown documents and Shiny applications


Visit docs: Coming soon to CRAN, stay updated Example library(r2social) r2social.scripts() shareButton(link = "", position = "left") facebook linkedin twitter tumblr pinterest whatsapp reddit blogger weibo tiktok visit us instagram telegram vk youtube shareButton(link = "http...

767 sym R (611 sym/8 pcs)

r2social 1.0: R scripts to add social share buttons and connect buttons on all your Rmarkdown documents and Shiny applications


Visit docs: Coming soon to CRAN, stay updated Example library(r2social) r2social.scripts() shareButton(link = "", position = "left") facebook linkedin twitter tumblr pinterest whatsapp reddit blogger weibo tiktok visit us instagram telegram vk youtube shareButton(link = "http...

767 sym R (611 sym/8 pcs)