Publications by Nico Rojas -



The goal is to discuss how to assign schools to LIHTC projects in the presence of magnet/charter/alternative schools. Three alternatives: Rule 0: Use the Attendance zone schools, regardless of whether it’s a m/c/a Rule 1: Assign the closest “Regular school” Rule 2: Assign using the closest “Regular school”, not associated to an AZ In ...

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Week 07


\(~\) 0) Resources. \(~\) Table 1 - Resources Resource URL Leaflet Resources Rstudio presentation Leaflet for R Leaflet Javascript library Listen Data - Some intresting examples https://www.listend...

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TA Section: Plotly


\(~\) 0. Plotly resources. \(~\) Some of the resources I find more useful to learn plotly using R: Sievert (2020) - plotly for R - A full reference website for using plotly in R. (from the Syllabus) Paul C. Bauer & Richard Traunmüller (2016) - Interactive Data Visualization - Book with all the material from a Workshop Data Visualization The Pl...

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week 04 - Plotly


\(~\) 0. Plotly resources. \(~\) Some of the resources I find more useful to learn plotly using R: Sievert (2020) - plotly for R - A full reference website for using plotly in R. (from the Syllabus) Paul C. Bauer & Richard Traunmüller (2016) - Interactive Data Visualization - Book with all the material from a Workshop Data Visualization The Pl...

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\(~\) 0 - Resources Warning: For this TA section the references are particularly important, since the codes and examples of tmap are migrating to SF objects. The resources here gives you some places to look at to learn more from SF, although the general guidelines are here. Some commands in the slides were using sf objects like geom_sf(), but in...

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week 06


\(~\) 0 - Resources Warning: For this TA section the references are particularly important, since the codes and examples of tmap are migrating to SF objects. The resources here gives you some places to look at to learn more from SF, although the general guidelines are here. Some commands in the slides were using sf objects like geom_sf(), but in...

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Winners and losers with clusters. Note that four urban clusters contain most of the projects. Zoom in to have a better idea of the distribution. Winners and losers without clusters. Winners and losers + Schools. Schools: K-12 institutions from 2010. ...

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\(~\) Text formats in R for data visualization. \(~\) There is no single text format that can be used for all the possible text analysis that can be done in R. The CRAN Task View for Natural Language Processing website constantly updates a list of all the relevants packages that can be used in R for text analysis. Note that on this website you c...

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Week 02


\(~\) 1. More resources for skills you will need. \(~\) Basic R skills Check the Getting and transforming data in R section of the syllabus. In particular, I strongly recommend mastering section 5 of R for Data Science and the Data Camp introduction to R There is also an unofficial solution manual written by Jeffrey Arnold I also recommend dow...

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