Publications by Nirajan Budhathoki
Survival Analysis
Survival Analysis Contigency Table Methods for Binary Outcome We disuss contigency table methods for assessing associations between binary outcomes and categorical predictors. Measures of Risk and Association for Binary Outcomes Example comes from the Western Collaborative Group Study (WCGS) of coronary heart disease, a prospective cohort study d...
8405 sym Python (14071 sym/65 pcs) 7 img
SMOTE and ML In this excercise, we use the famous PIMA diabetes dataset to demonstrate using SMOTE and ML algorithms. # Load necessary libraries library(smotefamily) library(caret) Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: lattice library(mlbench) # Load the dataset data(PimaIndiansDiabetes) data <- PimaIndiansDiabetes # Ch...
523 sym Python (16639 sym/92 pcs) 6 img
Survival Analysis
Table of contents 1 Survival analysis 2 Data for survival analysis 2.1 Graphing the survival function 2.2 Comparing survival curves: Stratified Kaplan-Meier estimates 2.2.1 Customizable plot with ggsurvplot 2.2.2 Comparing survival functions with survdiff() 2.3 The Cox proportional hazards model 2.3.1 Predicting survival with Cox estimates 2....
8811 sym 12 img
Exploratory Data Analysis Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach to data analysis that mainly involves summarizing data using visualization methods. Prior to testing any hypothesis or developing model, EDA can be used to understand data, primarily the distribution of variables and relationship among them. EDA techniques are mostly graphic...
7647 sym R (9512 sym/57 pcs) 27 img
Bayesian methods have been widely used for classification problems in machine learning. This study employs Bayesian technique for predicting diabetes in a well-known dataset. The Data Data for this study is taken from Kaggle The data was collected by National Institute of Diabetes and ...
6118 sym R (13210 sym/53 pcs) 11 img
Clustering of US States based on some COVID Statistics
Cluster Analysis Cluster analysis is a technique that groups large number of cases (observations) into small number of clusters based on a set of measurements collected from each observations. Cluster analysis can also be applied to variables as a tool for data reduction, such as choosing the best variables or cluster components for analysis. How...
11035 sym R (6129 sym/19 pcs) 7 img
# setwd("U:/PRJ/Bayesian") diab = read.csv("/Users/nirajanbudhathoki/OneDrive - Central Michigan University/diabetes.csv") head(diab) ## Pregnancies Glucose BloodPressure SkinThickness Insulin BMI ## 1 6 148 72 35 0 33.6 ## 2 1 85 66 29 0 26.6 ## 3 8...
3526 sym R (15652 sym/84 pcs) 22 img
diab = read.csv("/Users/nirajanbudhathoki/OneDrive - Central Michigan University/diabetes.csv") head(diab) ## Pregnancies Glucose BloodPressure SkinThickness Insulin BMI ## 1 6 148 72 35 0 33.6 ## 2 1 85 66 29 0 26.6 ## 3 8 183 64 ...
346 sym R (12975 sym/56 pcs) 6 img
Bayesian methods have been widely used for classification problems in machine learning. This study employs Bayesian technique for predicting diabetes in a well-known dataset. The Data Data for this study is taken from Kaggle The data was collected by National Institute of Diabetes and D...
6129 sym R (14077 sym/67 pcs) 19 img