Publications by Nina Zumel
Working with Sessionized Data 1: Evaluating Hazard Models
When we teach data science we emphasize the data scientist’s responsibility to transform available data from multiple systems of record into a wide or denormalized form. In such a “ready to analyze” form each individual example gets a row of data and every fact about the example is a column. Usually transforming data into this �...
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Working with Sessionized Data 2: Variable Selection
In our previous post in this series, we introduced sessionization, or converting log data into a form that’s suitable for analysis. We looked at basic considerations, like dealing with time, choosing an appropriate dataset for training models, and choosing appropriate (and achievable) business goals. In that previous example, we ses...
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Bootstrap Evaluation of Clusters
Illustration from Project Gutenberg The goal of cluster analysis is to group the observations in the data into clusters such that every datum in a cluster is more similar to other datums in the same cluster than it is to datums in other clusters. This is an analysis method of choice when annotated training data is not readily available. In this ...
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How do you know if your model is going to work?
Authors: John Mount (more articles) and Nina Zumel (more articles). Our four part article series collected into one piece. Part 1: The problem Part 2: In-training set measures Part 3: Out of sample procedures Part 4: Cross-validation techniques “Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.” George Box Here’s a caricature of a ...
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A Simpler Explanation of Differential Privacy
Differential privacy was originally developed to facilitate secure analysis over sensitive data, with mixed success. It’s back in the news again now, with exciting results from Cynthia Dwork, et. al. (see references at the end of the article) that apply results from differential privacy to machine learning. In this article we’ll work through ...
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Our Differential Privacy Mini-series
We’ve just finished off a series of articles on some recent research results applying differential privacy to improve machine learning. Some of these results are pretty technical, so we thought it was worth working through concrete examples. And some of the original results are locked behind academic journal paywalls, so we’ve tried to touch...
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Upcoming Win-Vector Appearances
We have two public appearances coming up in the next few weeks: Workshop at ODSC, San Francisco – November 14 Both of us will be giving a two-hour workshop called Preparing Data for Analysis using R: Basic through Advanced Techniques. We will cover key issues in this important but often neglected aspect of data science, what can go wrong, and h...
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“Introduction to Data Science” video course contest is closed
Congratulations to all the winners of the Win-Vector “Introduction to Data Science” Video Course giveaway! We’ve emailed all of you your individual subscription coupons. Even though this contest is over, we still encourage those interested to join our mailing list. Our updates to the list will be infrequent, but (we hope) informative. For ...
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Using PostgreSQL in R: A quick how-to
The combination of R plus SQL offers an attractive way to work with what we call medium-scale data: data that’s perhaps too large to gracefully work with in its entirety within your favorite desktop analysis tool (whether that be R or Excel), but too small to justify the overhead of big data infrastructure. In some cases you can use a serverles...
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Finding the K in K-means by Parametric Bootstrap
One of the trickier tasks in clustering is determining the appropriate number of clusters. Domain-specific knowledge is always best, when you have it, but there are a number of heuristics for getting at the likely number of clusters in your data. We cover a few of them in Chapter 8 (available as a free sample chapter) of our book Practical Data S...
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