Publications by Nik Kovač

NLB - Hypothesis testing


Packages and libraries #install.packages("naniar") #install.packages("factoextra") library(readxl) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(n...

1615 sym R (6014 sym/69 pcs)

Homework 4


Author: Nik Kovač Research question 1: Can we divide travelers into homogeneous groups based on their reviews of restaurants, museums, parks and beaches when visiting East Asia? I was wondering if travelers could be classified into groups based on their likings of the 4 mentioned variables. To achieve this, I need to do clustering. 1 Data m...

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library(readxl) mydata <- read_xlsx("./NLB_anketa_pociscena.xlsx") ## New names: ## • `` -> `...13` ## • `` -> `...31` ## • `` -> `...38` ## • `` -> `...45` ## • `` -> `...52` ## • `` -> `...58` ## • `` -> `...64` ## • `` -> `...75` ## • `` -> `...91` ## • `` -> `...106` mydata <- library(dplyr) ...

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MVA Homework 3


Author: Nik Kovač Research question 1: How is the price of the house affected by its size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and the type of neighborhood it is located in? 1 Data mydata <- read.table("./housing_price_dataset.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", dec=";") ##Creating data frame by importing a csv file head(mydata) ## SquareFeet ...

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MVA Homework 2 - Correlation


Author: Nik Kovač Research question 1: What is the relationship between quality of family relationships and current health status for high school students? Research question 2: Are high school students from rural areas more likely to be in a romantic relationship compared to students from urban areas? 1 Data mydata <- read.table("./student-...

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Homework 1 at MVA


Author: Nik Kovač Research question: Can we say that the average mathematical and verbal IQs for post-coma patients are the same? 1 Data #install.packages("carData") #installing missing package library(carData) #Activating package mydata <- force(Wong) #Creating data frame head(mydata) #Showing first 6 rows of mydata ## id days duration ...

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R Take-Home Exam


R TAKE-HOME EXAM Nik Kovač Task 1: Post-Coma Recovery of IQ #install.packages("carData") #installing missing package library(carData) #Activating package mydata <- force(Wong) #Creating data frame The data set, called Wong was taken from the carData package. head(mydata) #Checking first 6 rows of mydata ## id days duration sex age pi...

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