Publications by Nicole
exercise 3 幻燈忍者
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 幻燈忍者 ## 資料管理 - 演講幻燈片製作示範 ### 李商琪 修改 許清芳老師 ### 民國一十一年十月十三日 --- # 大綱 - 簡介資料分析流程 -- - 前置作業 -- - 數學公式 -- - 程式碼 -- - 統計分析 -- - 表格 -- - 繪圖 ...
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R markdown exercise 1&2
20211014_exercise 1&2 _SCL Shang Chi Lee 2021/10/14 1 In-class #templates 需先下載prettydoc Package, 而後使用cayman 1-1 套內數據 十五位三十到十九歲美國婦女的身高和體重. women ## height weight ## 1 58 115 ## 2 59 117 ## 3 60 120 ## 4 61 123 ## 5 62 126 ## 6 63 ...
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5-1 HoRM{datasets} install.packages(“HoRM”) library(HoRM) ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': ## method from ## zoo HoRM: Supplemental Functions and Datasets for “Handbook of Regression Methods” data(BAC, package="HoRM") dta <- reshape(data.frame(BAC, id=1:15), idvar='id', varying=list(1:...
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In-class1 #first R session using math attainment data set #input data #read in a plain text file with variable names and assign a name to it dta <- read.table("C:/Nicole/Rstudio IDE code/R fundamentals/math_attainment.txt", header = T) ##checking data #structure of data str(dta) ## 'data.frame': 39 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ math2: int 28 5...
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20211023_SCL_Exercises 1-5
Exercise-1 library(MASS) head(anorexia) ## Treat Prewt Postwt ## 1 Cont 80.7 80.2 ## 2 Cont 89.4 80.1 ## 3 Cont 91.8 86.4 ## 4 Cont 74.0 86.3 ## 5 Cont 78.1 76.1 ## 6 Cont 88.3 78.1 str(anorexia) ## 'data.frame': 72 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ Treat : Factor w/ 3 levels "CBT","Cont","FT": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .....
1218 sym R (10200 sym/109 pcs) 5 img
20211031 in class SCL
In class 1 dta<- read.csv("C:/Nicole/Rstudio IDE code/R input output/aaup2.txt", header = T) head(dta) ## X1061.Alaska.Pacific.University......AK.IIB..454.382.362.382..567.485.471..487...6..11...9...4...32 ## 1 1063 Univ.Alaska-Fairbanks AK I 686 560 432 508 914 753 572 677 74 125 118 40 404 ## 2 1065 Univ.Alaska-Southeast ...
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Homework 1 work<- read.csv("", header = T, sep ='\t' ) str(work) ## 'data.frame': 38 obs. of 8 variables: ## $ City : chr "Atlanta" "Austin" "Bakersfield" "Baltimore" ... ## $ COL : int 169 143 339 173 99 363 253 117 294 291 ... ## $ PD : int 414 239 43 951 255 1257 834...
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In Class
In class 1 “Children, Classrooms, Schools” #目錄設定說明 -html_document: out屬性是html格式 -toc: true 標題可點選 -toc_depth: 2 標題的層級,這裡設定為2層 -toc_float: 在左側顯示浮動的標題點選視窗,這裡沒有設定表示不用視窗 -collapsed: false 是否要展開層級 -smooth_scroll: false 是否�...
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20211205_Data visualization_SCL
Exercises 1 The distribution of personal disposable income in Taiwan in 2015 has a story to tell. Revise the following plot to enhance that message. dta<- read.table("C:/Nicole/Rstudio IDE code/R Data visualization/income_tw.csv", header = T,sep=",") head(dta) ## Income Count ## 1 160,000 and under 807160 ## 2 160,000 to 179,99...
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elder house
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Co-living multifunctional community ## For the over 65s ### Nicole ### EC7 ### 2021-12-23 --- <style type="text/css"> /* custom.css */ .left-code { color: #777; width: 30%; height: 100%; float: left; } .pull-left { float: left; width: 47%; } .pull-right { float: ri...
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