Publications by Nico
Baran to prove it lets ignore the hard parts so this approximation is amenable. Then we solve the simpler problem, then lets hope \(sin.f(1,234,567,890)\) is a reasonable approximation to \(1\). 1 angle reduction angle.reduction.f <- function(x_val){# x_val=given angle p_val = 3.14159265358979 p_half_val = p_val / 2 i = as.integer(x_val / ...
254 sym R (1657 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
DR - Water Utility Services
How to best allocate business responsibilities and risks and how to design tariff adjustment and other rules to achieve the desired allocation in a public-private-partnership. Under public provision the contracting authority has all the business responsibilities: it is responsible for managing the business, operating and maintaining the assets, i...
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ATP Tennis Goat and the Djokovic–Nadal rivalry
1 ATP Tennis Goat Sports fans frequently argue over who is the greatest of all time or the \(GOAT\) of their sport. Elo ratings are one of the more objective ways to measure a player’s ability. The Elo rating gives us a number of a player’s strength over time in a way that accounts for the ability of the players they have won and lost to over...
1435 sym R (1005 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Geometric Interpretation of the Discrete Fourier Transform
Some people say elegance is the only beauty that never fades, and when we invoke Euler’s formula to perform a simple substitution on the classical notation of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) it is considerably less esoteric, and imminently more understandable given a familiarity with sine and cosine. DFT then becomes a simple - and simply ...
724 sym
Fee effectiveness in real estate and private equity investments
This series of posts was inspired by and/or modified in part from the methods for performance metrics for private equity investments by Karl Polen In negotiating private equity or real estate deals, we are faced with the dilemma of how to negotiate fees. The primary fee cost drivers are the asset management and incentive fees. The asset manageme...
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PE performance as a public market equivalent
This series of posts was inspired by and/or modified in part from the methods for performance metrics for private equity investments by Karl Polen 1 Packages library(readr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(purrr) library(zoo) library(lubridate) library(tidyquant) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) 2 Data 2.1 PE Data pedata2 <- read_...
633 sym R (9560 sym/7 pcs) 1 img
Debugging - Hamlet, data models...
1 Introduction With reference from Free Range Statistics’ text analysis of Hamlet, there were 2 main issues that arose. Incomplete Stage Directions: With the author’s current approach, most scenes are recorded as a single line in the text. However, there were instances of scenes that spilled over to the next line as well. The example given b...
2579 sym R (7330 sym/11 pcs)
Final #s for America’s most fraught election
Election night promises to be interesting: ballots get counted; networks start calling states; and electoral votes get allocated to candidates. And since vote intentions had been correlated across states, we will probably know the winner way before any candidate reaches \(270\) electoral votes. But with record numbers of ballots cast early, in pe...
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Potential effects on the U.S. corporate tax code under Biden
While much of the discussion about the election has been about its impact on the overall economy and equity values, the effect of any change to the U.S. corporate tax code in the post-virus economy will likely be redistributive, with some sectors gaining and other losing. To identify the sectors that will benefit the most from any tax code change...
2434 sym
Marsha & Pete - Ranked Baby Boy Names
1 Data Real-time access to all United States baby-name data. .national <- memoise(function(url = "", include_features = T) { outfile <- tempfile("download", fileext = ".zip") file <- curl_download(url, outfile) unz_files <- unzip(file, exdir = "xml") unz_fi...
270 sym R (12784 sym/10 pcs)