Publications by Nicholas Besgen
Assignment #9
Tasks Perform four (4) chi-square tests using any appropriate variables (categorical) by the variable left. Note that the variable left describes whether the employee left the company (left = 1), or not (left = 0). For each of the four chi square tests: A. Perform the chi-square test (.5 point) Choose any two appropriate variables from the data ...
2221 sym
Assignment #8
R Markdown hr1 <- hr %>% mutate(Employee_Status = ifelse(left == 0, 'Stayed', 'Left'), WorkAccidents = ifelse(Work_accident == 0, 'none', 'yes')) Perform four (4) t-tests using any appropriate variables (continuous) by the variable left. Note that the variable left describes whether the employee left the company (left = 0), or not (lef...
1606 sym
R Markdown #Perform four (4) correlations using any appropriate variables (continuous). #1. Perform the correlation (.5 point) Choose any two appropriate variables from the data and perform the correlation, displaying the results. #2. Interpret the results in technical terms (.5 point) For each correlation, explain what the test’s p-value means (...
1626 sym 4 img
Assignment 6
R Markdown #1. Histogram: Distribution of Employee Satisfaction # Create a histogram of the satisfaction_level variable. # The title should reflect a key takeaway from the distribution. q1 <- plot_ly(hr, x = ~satisfaction_level, type = "histogram") %>% layout(title = "about 50% of employees are satisfied (satisfaction > .7)", ...
1603 sym
Assignment #5
R Markdown Create the code makes a table for each of the below questions. 1. Join + Filter - Which airplanes fly LGA to XNA? (1 POINT) q1 <- flights %>% filter(origin == "LGA", dest == "XNA") %>% left_join(planes, by = "tailnum") %>% select(origin, dest, tailnum, model, manufacturer) %>% distinct(tailnum, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% arr...
539 sym Python (3783 sym/10 pcs)
Assignment #4
R Markdown 1. Inner Join (3 points) Perform an inner join between the customers and orders datasets. q1<- inner_join(customers,orders) ## Joining with `by = join_by(customer_id)` a. How many rows are in the result? There are 4 rows b. Why are some customers or orders not included in the result? The customer date has only 3 customers in the order...
3113 sym
Assignment #3
library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(readr) # Load the movies dataset movies <- read_csv("
1387 sym R (7094 sym/21 pcs)
Assignment 2
library(readr) HR_comma_sep_1_ <- read_csv("~/Downloads/HR_comma_sep (1).csv") ## Rows: 14999 Columns: 10 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## Delimiter: "," ## chr (2): Department, sa...
6 sym R (1024 sym/3 pcs)