Publications by Nguyen Ngoc Thieu

EHR Data: Machine Learning Classification Models with Time Series Data


EHR Data: Machine Learning Classification Models with Time Series Data¶ Loading data¶ I have 5 .txt file of time series data in a local folder. Each txt file for a patient with many rows and some columns for features. I load them into a dataset for all with 'patient_id' for each file. This post imitates the time series data extracted form EHR. ...

721 sym Python (3880 sym/13 pcs) 1 img

S&P500 Stocks Analysis Using SLTM Model


S&P500 Stocks Analysis Using SLTM Model¶ Getting stock data of S&P500 from Yahoo Finance to forcast the change of values in near future. In [ ]: rng = pd.date_range('2024-03-01', periods=50, freq='D') rng Out[ ]: DatetimeIndex(['2024-03-01', '2024-03-02', '2024-03-03', '2024-03-04', '2024-03-05', '2024-03-06', '2024-03-07', ...

1102 sym Python (10204 sym/30 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl

Stock Market Analysis Using Python Model of SLTM


Stock Market Analysis Using Python Model of SLTM¶ Re-analyze From Kagkle: 1.) What was the change in price of the stock over time? 2.) What was the daily return of the stock on average? 3.) What was the moving average of the various stocks? 4.) What was the correl...

2741 sym Python (23735 sym/51 pcs) 14 img 5 tbl

SLTM Time Series Analysis Using Python


SLTM Time Series Analysis Using Python¶ Building Short Long Time Memory model, SLTM model, for forcasting time series data using Python. Loading data¶ In [ ]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.ker...

1336 sym Python (8620 sym/29 pcs) 3 img 3 tbl

Heart Disease Classification Models


Heart Disease Classification Models¶ Using machine learning classification models to predict heart disease Data loading and summary¶ In [ ]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df= pd.read_csv("/Users/nnthieu/Downloads/archive/heart_final.csv") df.head() Out[ ]: age sex chest pain ...

498 sym 2 tbl

Cholesterol Machine Learning Models Using Python


Cholesterol Machine Learning Models Using Python¶ Building machine learning models for target variable 'Cholesterol' using Python. In this post, I use the random forest model and pipeline to build the model. The cathegorical variables are not manually transformed to cardinal variables. These categorical variables are transformed using SimpleImput...

2907 sym Python (8800 sym/57 pcs) 5 tbl

Cholesterol Linear Regression Using Python


Cholesterol Linear Regression Using Python¶ Use the data of heart disease in which some indicators may be related to the concentration of cholesterol such as weight, age, height, smoking ... Building a linear regression model with cholesterol as the target variable and other variables as independent variables. Data loading¶ In [41]: import p...

1513 sym 2 img 2 tbl

Heart Disease Logistic Regression Using Python


Heart Disease Logistic Regression Using Python¶ Data loading¶ In [104]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df= pd.read_csv("/Users/nnthieu/Downloads/heart.csv") df.head() Out[104]: Status DeathCause AgeCHDdiag Sex AgeAtStart Height Weight Diastolic Systolic MRW Smoking AgeAtDeath Cho...

2595 sym 3 tbl

Heart Disease Logistic Regression Using Python


Heart Disease¶ Data loading¶ In [104]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df= pd.read_csv("/Users/nnthieu/Downloads/heart.csv") df.head() Out[104]: Status DeathCause AgeCHDdiag Sex AgeAtStart Height Weight Diastolic Systolic MRW Smoking AgeAtDeath Cholesterol Chol_Status BP_Status We...

2562 sym 3 tbl

Heat Disease Classification Using Logistic Regression in Python


Heart Disease¶ Data loading¶ In [104]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df= pd.read_csv("/Users/nnthieu/Downloads/heart.csv") df.head() Out[104]: Status DeathCause AgeCHDdiag Sex AgeAtStart Height Weight Diastolic Systolic MRW Smoking AgeAtDeath Cholesterol Chol_Status BP_Status We...

2335 sym 3 tbl