Publications by Nandini Guntur

Storm Data Analysis Document


Health/Economic Consequences in U.S. caused by Storms ans Weather Events GitHub: GitHub NOAA Project 1 - Introduction Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcome...

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Leaflet Assignment


The data for this map is taken from the Sacramento Crime January 2006 dataset which contains 7,584 crime records as made available by the Sacramento Police Department. The same is available here: Reading Data Reading data from the given url and subsetting to extract 800 random sam...

527 sym R (251 sym/2 pcs)

OOPS Concept Analysis


Unlike S3 and S4, Reference Class objects are stuck with the method code they were born with - except when they aren’t. ##S3 Classes First let’s create a new S3 class object: foo3 = "I am an S3 object" class(foo3) = "S3Foo" Methods for S3 objects are always the current definition of the specific method function. Starting from a non-existent g...

3273 sym R (1963 sym/40 pcs)

Exploring the BRFSS data


Setup Load packages library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) Load data Make sure your data and R Markdown files are in the same directory. When loaded your data file will be called brfss2013. Delete this note when before you submit your work. load("/Users/kgarimella/Datasciencecoursera/introductiontoprobailityanddata-master/brfss2013.RData") Part 1: Da...

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Linear Regression and Modeling on Movie Dataset


Setup Load packages library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(statsr) library(gridExtra) Load data load("movies.Rdata") movies <- na.omit(movies) # Removing the NA values from the dataset head(movies) ## # A tibble: 6 x 32 ## title title_type genre runtime mpaa_rating studio thtr_rel_year thtr_rel_month ## <chr> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <fct>...

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GSS Survey Analysis


Introduction : The main goal of this project is to perform exploratory data analysis on survey data and draw inferential conclusions. 1.1 Load the required packages library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked ...

5356 sym R (1788 sym/19 pcs) 2 img

Analysis of MTCARS Dataset


Goal of the Project You work for Motor Trend, a magazine about the automobile industry. Looking at a data set of a collection of cars, they are interested in exploring the relationship between a set of variables and miles per gallon (MPG) (outcome). They are particularly interested in the following two questions: “Is an automatic or manual tran...

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Euro Stocks Presentation using Plotly


8/30/2020 Code Through this code we try to plot the closing prices of major European stock indices in the years of 1991 to 1998. library(plotly) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) data("EuStockMarkets") stocks <- %>% gather(index, price) %>% mutate(time = rep(time(EuStockMarkets), 4)) plot_ly(stocks, x = ~time, y = ~...

148 sym R (520 sym/2 pcs)

Choose a car


8/30/2020 Introduction This presentation is done as part of the final course project for ‘Developing Data Products’ course in the Data Science Specialization track by John Hopkins University on Coursera. The web application is hosted on the link below: Application Overview This web applicatio...

844 sym R (2123 sym/4 pcs)

DS Capstone Presentation


December 24, 2020 Overview of the Project The purpose of the project is to create text-prediction application with R Shiny package that predicts words using a natural language processing model i.e. creating an application based on a predictive model for text. Given a word or phrase as input, the application will try to predict the next word, si...

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