Publications by Mauricio Rodriguez Abreu
Credibility and premium update Now, we can use the credibility approach to measure frequency and severity of claims and contrast them with new observed values. Use a coverage probability of 95% and a range around the true mean of 10% We can start with some data. setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Tema Selecto/data") data<-read.csv("insa...
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R Markdown We will start with the same Markdown from last time… just because I really need to get the lif table and all other elements. setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Pensiones y SS/Presentaciones") ciencias<-read.csv("ciencias.csv") Now, we define a benefit the following way: Retirement age: 60 Benefit: \[ 1.5\% \times SP \times...
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knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) I will recover the dataset that I created with people working for Sciences… from a couple of weeks ago. setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Pensiones y SS/Presentaciones") sdem<-read.csv("ENOEN_SDEMT121.csv") sdem<-sdem[which(sdem$eda>=15 & sdem$eda<=97),] sdem<-sdem[which(sdem$c_res!=2),] table(sdem$...
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#setwd("C:/Users/23043/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Pensiones y SS/Presentaciones") setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Pensiones y SS/Presentaciones") lt<-read.csv("ILT1.csv") library(lifecontingencies) ## Package: lifecontingencies ## Authors: Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato [aut, cre] ## (<
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title: “LAT4082_S14” author: “Mauricio Rodriguez Abreu” date: “3/13/2022” output: html_document In this session we will continue with the use of GLM’s for claim frequency and will introduce the use of GLM’s for claim severity. We are going to use a new dataset, the dataset is called InsuranceClaims setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/20...
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R Markdown GLM’s for pricing… install.packages("CASdatasets", repos = "", type="source") library("CASdatasets") ## Loading required package: xts ## Loading required package: zoo ## ## Attaching package: 'zoo' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## as.Date, as.Date.numeric ## Loading requir...
601 sym R (5326 sym/67 pcs)
R Markdown In this session, we will learn how to use the ENOE, a really important survey collecting information on employment and occupations. This survey is the one you will have to use for your final project. setwd("~/Downloads/enoe_n_2021_trim1_csv") sdem<-read.csv("ENOEN_SDEMT121.csv") Remember, my advice is to always start with a basic anali...
4254 sym R (13899 sym/90 pcs)
R Markdown Read the file on Claim Levels setwd("~/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Tema Selecto/Presentaciones") ClaimLev <- read.csv("CLAIMLEVEL.csv") head(ClaimLev) ## PolicyNum ClaimNum Year ClaimStatus Claim Deduct EntityType ## 1 120002 20100192 2010 Closed 6838.87 1000 County ## 2 120003 20080726 2007 Closed 20...
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R Markdown Aggregate loss models: x<-c(0:10) plot(pgamma(x,2,1),type="l") We can use any of the discretisation techniques library(actuar) ## Warning: package 'actuar' was built under R version 4.1.2 ## ## Attaching package: 'actuar' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## sd, var ## The following object is maske...
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Multiple decrements example setwd("C:/Users/23043/Dropbox/UDLAP/Cursos/2022 Primavera/Pensiones y SS/Datos") data<-read.csv("MDM.csv") head(data) ## Age Inv Death DInv DNInv Ces Ret ## 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 5...
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