Publications by Mohammed Sarfraz Arif
Final Project Submission
2023-08-16 Introduction The goal of this exercise is to create a product to highlight the prediction algorithm that you have built and to provide an interface that can be accessed by others. For this project you must submit: A Shiny app that takes as input a phrase (multiple words) in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word. A s...
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Final Project Submission
2023-08-16 Introduction The goal of this exercise is to create a product to highlight the prediction algorithm that you have built and to provide an interface that can be accessed by others. For this project you must submit: A Shiny app that takes as input a phrase (multiple words) in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word. A s...
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Milestone Report
Introduction The goal of the capstone project is to create a predictive text model using a large text corpus of documents as training data. Natural language processing techniques will be used to perform the analysis. Loading (Blogs, News, Twitter) setwd("C:/Users/Coursera-SwiftKey/final/en_US") blogs <- readLines("en_US.blogs.txt", warn = FALS...
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Reproducible Pitch Presentation
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch Mohammed Sarfraz Arif About the Course Project This is a deliverable for the course Developing Data Products as part of the Coursera Data Science Specialization. Instructions: Write a shiny application with associated supporting documentation. The documentation should be thought of as what...
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Reproducible Pitch Presentation
DEVELOPING DATA PRODUCTS author: msa2000 date: 2023-05-04 autosize: true OVERVIEW <font = “5”>Nothing feels as satisfying and authentic as making your first batch of wine. And there’s no better time to try it than in early autumn, when grapes all over the country are ripening in vineyards and backyard gardens. Whatever kind of grapes you use...
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Reproducible Research Course Project 2
#Synopsis Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmo...
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