Publications by Molly Lewis
Childes data This is for all kids in Childes in the NA and UK corpora for children with more than one timepoint between 12 and 36 months of age. There are two things that are different from the previous analyses: (1) I’m using a different age range of kids, and (2) I’m using the MTLD measure in the childesr package. This measure is new to the...
969 sym R (6823 sym/20 pcs) 1 img 17 tbl
library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(echo = T, message = F, warning = F, error = F, cache = F, tidy = F) library(tidyverse) library(tidyr) library(here) library(lme4) library(broom) theme_set(theme_classic(base_size = 12)) Childes data This is for all kids in Childes in the NA and UK corpora for children with more than one timepoint b...
1118 sym R (3509 sym/7 pcs) 1 img 3 tbl
MRM literature summary
In this markdown, we’re going to summarize the results of everyone’s literature search for their group project so far. We’re going to do that by reading the data directly from each group’s relevant_studes google spreadsheet. Get data First, we need the sheet id for each of your google spreadsheets containg your literature searches. This ...
1179 sym R (1859 sym/10 pcs) 1 img 6 tbl
MRM literature summary
In this markdown, we’re going to summarize the results of everyone’s literature search for their group project so far. We’re going to do that by reading the data directly from each group’s relevant_studes google spreadsheet. Get data First, we need the sheet id for each of your google spreadsheets containg your literature searches. This ...
1168 sym R (1645 sym/9 pcs) 1 img 5 tbl
This is structured to include only the final analyses in the paper. rm(list = ls()) # load packages library(knitr) library(tidyverse) library(tidytext) library(RCurl) library(forcats) library(langcog) library(data.table) library(igraph) library(intergraph) library(ggnetwork) library(stringr) library(lme4) opts_chunk$set(echo = T, message = F, w...
369 sym R (11736 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 5 tbl
This markdown demonstrates that doing QAP regression doesn’t make sense for analyses comparing local versus global. The dataframe below has the average local and global correlation for each language pair, for each of the two corpora Our hypothesis is that the difference between local and global is positive (local more correlated than global). T...
1212 sym R (2649 sym/11 pcs) 5 tbl
AUTHOR_COUNTS <- here("exploratory_analyses/04_systematic_sample_tidy/data/subreddit_meta.csv") author_count_measures <- read_csv(AUTHOR_COUNTS, col_names = c("subreddit","author_n","word_H","word_mean_n","word_sd","word_total","score_mean", "score_sd","score_H","comments_n_all", "posts_n_all","...
721 sym R (17526 sym/30 pcs) 18 img 1 tbl