Publications by Omar Pineda, Calvin Wong, Murali Kunissery

Data 624 - Final Project


Task This is role playing. I am your new boss. I am in charge of production at ABC Beverage and you are a team of data scientists reporting to me. My leadership has told me that new regulations are requiring us to understand our manufacturing process, the predictive factors and be able to report to them our predictive model of PH. Please use the ...

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Data 612 Research Discussion 1


Assignment Instructions Now that we have covered basic techniques for recommender systems, choose one commercial recommender and describe how you think it works (content-based, collaborative filtering, etc). Does the technique deliver a good experience or are the recommendations off-target? You may also choose one of the three non-personalized re...

3487 sym 4 img

Data 612 Project 5


library(sparklyr) library(recommenderlab) library(dplyr) # Connect with spark sc <- spark_connect(master = "local") data(MovieLense, package = "recommenderlab") movielense <- MovieLense movies <- as(movielense,"data.frame") head(movies) ## user item rating ## 1 1 ...

561 sym R (3041 sym/11 pcs)

Data 624 HW 9


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

10616 sym R (13014 sym/50 pcs) 5 img

Data 624 HW 8


7.2 Friedman (1991) introduced several benchmark data sets create by simulation. One of these simulations used the following nonlinear equation to create data: \[y=10sin(\pi { x }_{ 1 }{ x }_{ 2 })+20{ ({ x }_{ 3 }-0.5) }^{ 2 }+10{ x }_{ 4 }+5{ x }_{ 5 }+N{ (0,{ \sigma }^{ 2 }) }\] where the x values are random variables uniformly distributed be...

4048 sym R (24419 sym/76 pcs) 11 img

Data 624 HW 7


Linear Regression : Chapter 6 Exercies 2 & 3 6.2 Developing a model to predict permeability (see Sect. 1.4) could save significant resources for a pharmaceutical company, while at the same time more rapidly identifying molecules that have a sufficient permeability to become a drug: (a) Start R and use these commands to load the data library(Appl...

6662 sym R (25810 sym/67 pcs) 5 img

Data 624 Project 1


Project 1 library('ggplot2') library('forecast') library('tseries') library("readxl") library('dplyr') ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library('tidyr') ...

6641 sym R (9262 sym/61 pcs) 17 img

Data 612 Project 4


Project 4 - Accuracy & Beyond library(tidyverse) library(recommenderlab) library(knitr) Data selection MovieLense is a dataset that i havent used in the past and also is a reasonable size and an interesting dataset to work with specially for recommendation. data("MovieLense") ncol(MovieLense) ## [1] 1664 nrow(MovieLense) ## [1] 943 1664 Movi...

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Project 3 Data 612


DATA 612 Project 3 | Matrix Factorization The goal of this assignment is give you practice working with Matrix Factorization techniques. Your task is implement a matrix factorization method—such as singular value decomposition (SVD) or Alternating Least Squares (ALS)—in the context of a recommender system. You may approach this assignment in ...

4167 sym R (2316 sym/12 pcs)

Data 624 HW5


Question 1 Consider the pigs series - the number of pigs slaughtered in Victoria each month. a. Use the ses function in R to find the optimal values of alpha and l0, and generate forecasts for the next four months. str(pigs) ## Time-Series [1:188] from 1980 to 1996: 76378 71947 33873 96428 105084 ... head(pigs) ## Jan Feb Mar ...

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