Publications by Mary Anna Kivenson
Data 624 Homework 6
Assignment 6 library(fpp2) library(mlbench) library(corrplot) library(ggplot2) require(gridExtra) library(car) library(caret) library(tidyverse) library(DT) library(urca) Question 8.1 Figure 8.31 shows the ACFs for 36 random numbers, 360 random numbers and 1,000 random numbers. a ) Explain the differences among these figures. Do they ...
9499 sym R (10509 sym/80 pcs) 32 img
Predictive Analytics Project 1
Part A I want you to forecast how much cash is taken out of 4 different ATM machines for May 2010. The data is given in a single file. The variable ‘Cash’ is provided in hundreds of dollars, other than that it is straight forward. I am being somewhat ambiguous on purpose to make this have a little more business feeling. Explain and demonstrat...
8776 sym R (13651 sym/72 pcs) 23 img
Data 624 Homework 8
library(caret) library(pls) library(tidyverse) library(AppliedPredictiveModeling) library(corrplot) library(nnet) Assignment 8 - Non-Linear Regression Models Question 7.2 Friedman (1991) introduced several benchmark data sets create by simulation. One of these simulations used the following nonlinear equation to create data: \[y = 10sin(π...
2657 sym R (11150 sym/39 pcs) 4 img
Data 624 Project 2
Data train <- read.csv("") test <- read.csv("") Data Exploration Summary First, we take a look at a summary of the data. Ther...
1742 sym R (14291 sym/23 pcs) 2 img
Data 624 Homework 10
Data Imagine 10000 receipts sitting on your table. Each receipt represents a transaction with items that were purchased. The receipt is a representation of stuff that went into a customer’s basket - and therefore ‘Market Basket Analysis’. That is exactly what the Groceries Data Set contains: a collection of receipts with each line represent...
695 sym R (3187 sym/6 pcs)
Data 622 Final
library(caret) library(pROC) library(tidyverse) Part A Step 0 Pick any two classifiers of (SVM,Logistic,DecisionTree,NaiveBayes). Pick heart or ecoli dataset. Heart is simpler and ecoli compounds the problem as it is NOT a balanced dataset. From a grading perspective both carry the same weight. read.csv('
3971 sym R (24970 sym/49 pcs)
Test 1 Data 622
Machine Learning and Big Data - Assignment 2 # Modeling packages library(caret) # for general model fitting library(rpart) # for fitting decision trees library(ipred) # for fitting bagged decision trees library(bootstrap) library(e1071) library(tidyverse) library(cvAUC) library(pROC) Data The dataset being used has tw...
1556 sym R (5495 sym/18 pcs)