Publications by Mirai Solutions

Upcoming workshop: From Excel to R


Discover how to use R to break free from Excel’s limitations at Mirai’s From Excel to R workshop. Excel’s lengthy formulas and complex macros, files that take forever to open and crash as frequently as you try to update them, major mistakes due to a max rows / columns limit, and work that cannot be automated are the daily nightmares of the...

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Upcoming workshop: Think like a programmeR


Learn how to program like a professional: boost your R skills and get set on the path to best coding practices at Mirai’s workshop Think like a programmeR. Scripting and being a programmer are not the same thing. Your spaghetti code, despite working now, will be a nightmare to maintain, debug or detangle if you need to change something. How ma...

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Upcoming workshop: My 1st Shiny App


Learn how to empower your data through a Shiny interface at Mirai’s new workshop My 1ST Shiny App on 17th November. Storytelling is pivoting for successful data science. Communicating the results of your analytics and having an accessible way to data exploration is crucial to engage decision makers. The best way to achieve this is through an a...

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Upcoming workshop: Sparkling Shiny App


Mirai’s workshop series continues. Next in the pipeline is Sparkling Shiny App on 24th November. In recent years, shiny has become increasingly popular in the R community. No wonder! Shiny is a master at empowering users to easily visualize and communicate their data science work. However, there is a huge difference between quickly drafting a ...

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Upcoming workshop: Shiny App to Prod


Mirai is thrilled to announce that one of his cherished workshop Bring your Shiny App to Production will be given on December 1st! Since more than 10 years, we have been witnessing a crucial shift within the customer and user behavior. Consumers expectations have reached new heights: innovations all the time, on demand, competitive price but all...

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Upcoming workshop: Introduction to Agile


Last but not least, the workshop ‘Not Agile yet? Experience being part of a scrum team’ will bring to close Mirai first series of workshop in Data Science! How can we talk about software development best practices and modern devops without talking about agile development? In fact we can’t! Not agile yet? Don’t wait more to discover the m...

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Upcoming Workshops Series March 2021


Finally new dates! Take a visit to our upcoming workshops offer on the very exciting R Shiny topic! After the success of our first workshop series end of last year, and the particular interest that has been shown on the shiny topic, we are excited to announce in March our new workshops series. What we, as well as our participants, love in Shiny...

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rTRNG and valgrind: Docker & Actions to the Rescue


We are happy to announce rTRNG 4.23.1-1, and share its journey with valgrind, Docker and GitHub Actions. rTRNG is an open source package for advanced parallel Random Number Generation in R. It relies on TRNG (Tina’s Random Number Generator), a state-of-the-art C++ pseudo-random number generator library for sequential and parallel Monte Carlo s...

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R Shiny makes your data alive


Let R Shiny do the storytelling job for you and add fantastic interactive interfaces for your R analysis. Why should you care about learning shiny? Follow me in this not so improbable scenario and you’ll see why. Let’s say you have an R function my_hist that reads in a data set x and takes a parameter bins to return a histogram. #' Function ...

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Spoil your users with an outstanding Shiny UI


Value the users of your Shiny App: Do not overlook the power of a professional UI. You can have an amazing analysis behind the scenes, but if you don’t have an intuitive and appealing User Interface, your users might not interact with it properly. Consider this simple example: a siny app displaying a table of the well known iris dataset: #' Sh...

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