Publications by Mirai Solutions
New Workshops Series Kick-off
We are happy to announce our fourth series of workshops, to take place in 2022. After the success of the past series that took place at the end of last year we decided to offer again a series of workshops based on best development practices, R programming and Shiny. On 25/05/2022 we will hold a Git & GitHub (for the R User) workshop, focusing on...
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Mastering Git and GitHub: the hands-on workshop
On 25/05 learn the basis of version control via a hands-on 3.5-hours workshop using command line, R, RStudio or a web browser. Have you ever feared to mess up your code, to lose your development or to spend endless time to integrate a collaborator’s work? Then the answer for you is version control. Reference xkcd comics. Git is a popular, fre...
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Learning Path: Introduction to R
Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R” learning path: from the basis of the syntax, to building and hosting an R package on GitHub. R is among the most popular programming, scripting, and markup languages. Written by statisticians for statisticians, it is an incredible tool for data exploration, data manipulation, vis...
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‘R basics – objects, functions and operations’ workshop
Take the first R steps and enhance your data science toolkit with us on June 8th! Would you like to discover the basics of R programming and get solid foundations for future learning? Even if you are an absolute beginner, the workshop “R basics – objects, functions and operations” workshop is designed to give you an overview of the basis o...
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‘Data analysis with tidyverse’ workshop
Become professional at data analysis with tidyverse in R on June 15th! Learn how to extract, manipulate and explore your data with readable, streamlined and professional code using best-practices from the tidyverse R universe , such as those included in the dplyr and tidyrpackages. The workshop “Data analysis with tidyverse” is designed to g...
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Think like a programmeR: the workshop
Learn how to program your own algorithms in R with us on June 22nd! With the 3rd Chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we continue our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Programming R” workshop you will explore how to write your own functions with the right controls, we will show yo...
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Becoming an R developer: the workshop
Learn how to develop an R package properly in R with us on June 29th! With the 4th and last chapter of our “Introduction to R” learning path we continue our journey towards building strong R programming foundations and skills. With the “Becoming an R developer” workshop you will develop an R package using usethis and devtools packages, ...
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R programming and package development – Workshops
Last 2 workshops of “Introduction to R” learning path: from R programming, to building an R package. The last two workshops of our series are dedicated to those wanting to make a further step in R development. Two consecutive Wednesdays, from 2 PM to 5:30 PM (CEST, GMT + 2), a 3.5-hours hands on experience, learn R by programming R. Learn wi...
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Learning Path: Introduction to R Shiny
Enhance your data science toolkit with our “Introduction to R Shiny” learning path: build your first shiny app, make it shine and robust, build a package and bring it to production. R is among the most popular programming, scripting, and markup languages. Written by statisticians for statisticians, it is an incredible tool for data explorati...
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Time for a new workshop series!
After the success of the past series, new workshops are planned for the upcoming months! In the past year Mirai’s efforts towards knowledge sharing with the community have increased and we have had three very successful runs of online workshop series. The last series was composed of a single GIT & GitHub workshop, and of 2 learning paths: Lea...
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