Publications by Minerva Mukhopadhyay
Deterministic Approx
Background In Bayesian paradigm `probability is regarded as a subjective measure of belief’. Let \(\{ p({\bf y}\mid \boldsymbol{\theta}); \boldsymbol{\theta} \in \Theta\}\) be the model, i.e., the data \(\mathcal{Y}\) is coming from the conditional distribution \(p({\bf y}\mid \boldsymbol{\theta})\) conditioned on \(\boldsymbol{\theta} \in \Th...
26887 sym
MTH211A: Introduction
MTH211A: Theory of Statistics Author Minerva Mukhopadhyay Course policy: See the first course handout. Prerequisite: MSO201A or MSO205A. What is the idea of this course? The basic idea of this course is to learn to infer about an underlying truth from the data. Example: Salt experiment “During the communal riots in Delhi in 1947, many pe...
1687 sym 3 img
MTH211A: Lecture 1
Descriptive Statistics Author Minerva Mukhopadhyay The term “descriptive statistics” refers to the analysis, summary, and presentation of findings related to a data set derived from a sample or the entire population. Lecture 1: (I) Data collection One meaning of Statistics is “data”. The subject Statistics teaches the tool of obtaini...
4537 sym 3 img
MTH211A: Today's Lecture
Table of contents Lecture 2: Methods of Sampling (I) Simple Random Sampling: (II) Simple Random Sampling With and Without Replacement: Simple random sampling with replacement (SRSWR): Simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR): (III) How accurate is the simple random sample estimate when we are interested in the population mean of a ...
19035 sym 10 img 5 tbl
Synthetic Data Analysis Motivation of PCA Let us first generate a (centered) data set to explain the theoretical properties of principal components. The motivation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is two fold: The \(1\)st principal component (PC) is the standardized linear combination (SLC), which has the maximum variance among all SLCs, ...
13838 sym R (565 sym/1 pcs) 10 img 9 tbl
Factor Analysis Demonstration
We will understand the methods of factor analysis using the Boston housing data set. \[\\[.02 in]\] Boston Housing Data Boston housing data contains information collected by the U.S Census Service concerning housing in the area of Boston Mass. It has been used extensively throughout the literature to benchmark algorithms. The dataset has 506 cas...
7772 sym R (1615 sym/13 pcs) 5 img 4 tbl