Publications by Mateusz Filipski
HW04 example
HW04 Example - Basics of Identification Mateusz Filipski AQMAE Part 1: Paper using randomized data: Impact of Class Size on Learning Download and go over this seminal paper by Alan Krueger. Krueger (1999) Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions QJE 114 (2) : 497-532 1.1. Briefly answer these questions: a. What is the causal lin...
2292 sym 2 tbl
Nepal filters tests
Code Show All Hide All Nepal Filters Setting up the ruODK connection Extract the data Map of the submissions Percent responses on Filter questions Mateusz Filipski 5/1/2020 Note: necessary packages are: tidyverse, ruODK, leaflet, Hmisc, lubridate Setting up the ruODK connection Note: obviously you need to de-comment the pw = "your_passwo...
910 sym R (1549 sym/6 pcs) 2 tbl
Adding AWS tiles to leaflet maps
Adding WMS images to leaflet Mateusz Filipski Accessing satellite data This is the basic NEXRAD file athens <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>% setView(lat=33.947474, lng=-83.373671, zoom = 6) athens %>% addWMSTiles( "", layers = "nexrad-n0...
907 sym R (1522 sym/4 pcs)
Leaflet intro slides
Necessary packages leaflet dplyr Why are these not beamer slides? Because leaflet is a package that generates HTML output Reminder about the %>% operator This is called the “pipe” operator. It tells R to forward the value of the past expression as an input into the next expression (It’s better explained with an example) log(c(1,2,3,4)...
765 sym R (925 sym/10 pcs)
HW4 Example Charts
Reference and disclaimer: This homework is attempting to reproduce parts of the New Yorker article by John Cassidy, dated March 26, 2014, and titled “Piketty’s Inequality Story in Six Charts”. All text was lifted directly from that article. Figures are compiled using data that was found at this address. This is purely an exercise in reprodu...
734 sym R (721 sym/3 pcs) 2 img
HW3 example
This is my first markdown homework a) Who doesn’t like ants on their sandwich? (description of the data) For this homework, I will use the SandwichAnts dataset, part of the Stat2Data R package. This dataset reports the following: The number of ants counted on sandwiches Various characteristics of the sandwich list.of.packages <- c("Stat2Dat...
1359 sym R (1125 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
Example of answer to homework 4
Reference and disclaimer: This homework is attempting to reproduce parts of the New Yorker article by John Cassidy, dated March 26, 2014, and titled “Piketty’s Inequality Story in Six Charts”. All text was lifted directly from that article. Figures are compiled using data that was found at this address. This is purely an exercise in reprodu...
5145 sym R (603 sym/3 pcs) 3 img
Tornadoes over Time
Silently load necessary packages: “dplyr”,“gganimate”,“RColorBrewer”,“ggplot2”,“ggrepel”,“gifski” Get the data The data is downloaded from The name of the file is 1950-2017_actual_tornadoes.csv filepath <- "" if(!exists("raw...
573 sym R (2341 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
IDRA data tests
Note: necessary packages are: tidyverse, ruODK, leaflet Setting up the ruODK connection Note: obviously you need to de-comment the pw = "your_password" field. I am not showing it for obvious reasons. ruODK::ru_setup( url = "", svc = "", un ...
2225 sym R (4137 sym/33 pcs) 2 img 10 tbl
8610 S21 HW05 Answers - Diff-in-Diff
HW05 Homework Mateusz Filipski AQMAE AAEC 8610 Using Panel data: Difference-in-Differences Impact of Minimum Wages Part 1: Reading and questions Download and go over this seminal paper by David Card and Alan Krueger. Card and Krueger (1994) Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania AER 8...
2914 sym R (3616 sym/9 pcs) 3 tbl