Publications by melliferrari
An Introduction to Reproducible Analyses in R
Earlier this week I had a lot of fun running a one-day workshop for the Royal Society of Biology titled “An Introduction to Reproducible Analyses in R”. It was intended to introduce researchers at all stages of their careers to using R to make their analyses and figures more reproducible. We ran the course because an increase in the complexit...
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Likert Scale Survey: from googleform to #rstats graph
Many Biology students are interested in science communication or the public understanding of science and undertake projects in these areas. They often conduct surveys which include Likert-scale questions. This workflow will teach you how to set up a Google Forms survey with Likert scale questions, read the responses in to R and report on the re...
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R Forwards Workshop: Package Development for women and other underrepresented groups
Date: Tuesday, 7th January, 2020, 10:30-15:30 Location: University of York, UK Forwards is the R Foundation taskforce on women and other under-represented groups and we are offering a free workshop designed for people who use R coding and want to learn more about creating impact from their code. It will cover package contribution and development ...
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R Forwards Package development modules for women and other underrepresented groups.
R Forwards is an R Foundation task force that was originally set up in December 2015 to address the underrepresentation of women in the R community. An analysis of CRAN package maintainers estimated that fewer than 15% were women, and a useR! participant survey found that women were less likely than men to have experience contributing to or writi...
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R Forwards ?Package Development curriculum for women and other underrepresented people
Emma Rand and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel In September, we will be delivering a series of four online one-hour package development workshops. These are: Packages in a nutshell 20 September 2021 at 14:00 BSTRegister!SlidesSetting up your system 21 September 2021 at 14:00 BSTRegister!SlidesYour first package! 23 September 2021 at 14:00 BSTRegister!Slid...
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