Publications by MD Asadul Islam
2024-12-18 Introduction Urban traffic congestion is a pressing global issue, causing significant economic and environmental harm. traffic management approaches are often inadequate to address the complexities of modern urban mobility. By harnessing the power of data science, we can revolutionize the way we manage urban traffic. This presentation ...
8212 sym
Introduction Urban traffic congestion negatively impacts travel efficiency and quality of life. This project analyzes traffic data for New York City (NYC) to understand traffic patterns, predict congestion, and provide actionable insights for mitigation strategies. The dataset contains traffic data, including fields such as RequestID, Boro, Vol...
1787 sym R (7183 sym/19 pcs) 4 img
Project Overview It can be useful to be able to classify new “test” documents using already classified “training” documents. A common example is using a corpus of labeled spam and ham (non-spam) e-mails to predict whether or not a new document is spam. For this project, you can start with a spam/ham dataset, then predict the class of ne...
2594 sym R (4674 sym/27 pcs)
Week 11 Extra Credit on Recommender System
Movie Ratings Data The MovieRatings sheet contains movie ratings given by various critics. Each row represents a critic, and each column represents a movie. The ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5, and some values are missing, indicating that the critic did not rate that movie. Therefore, the NaN values should be addressed during the consideration...
894 sym
My Dataset - Sentiment Analysis of US Financial News Headlines Data For this assignment I am going to perform a sentiment analysis on US Financial News Headlines data obtained from kaggle. The link to the dataset is The datasets consist of 3 sets scraped from CNBC, the Guardian, and Reu...
2355 sym R (6006 sym/22 pcs) 2 img
library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.4.2 library(readr) DataSet Article Link - Dataset Link on Github - Capability 1: readr - readd_csv Here we use the read_csv function for reading t...
3545 sym
Web APIs Assignment
library(stringr) library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(tidyr) Fetch list of Best-Seller Lists # Function to get available bestseller lists get_bestseller_lists <- function(api_key) { url <- "" response <- GET(url, query = list(`api-key` = api_key)) if (status_code(response) == 20...
2755 sym Python (36142 sym/5 pcs)
library(tibble) library(jsonlite) library(XML) library(arrow) library(htmlTable) Create the data and display it in a dataframe Here, I key in the data and then create a dataframe. # Create the data frame mart_data <- tibble::tribble( ~Category, ~Item_Name, ~Item_ID, ~Brand, ~Price, ~Variation_ID, ~Variation_Details, "Electronics", "Smar...
9269 sym
library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) Wide Dataset 1 - FL - Housing Insecurity Indicators Dataset This dataset of potential indicators to assess people’s risk of losing their homes in Florida.The author intended to use the dataset to understand which groups of people are at higher risk of lossing their homes in Florida.The dataset and analysis is ...
25079 sym Python (139971 sym/42 pcs) 7 img
library(dplyr) library(stringr) Read the data from text file. # Read the text file file_path <- "C:\\Users\\HP\\Downloads\\tournamentinfo.txt" chess_data <- readLines(file_path, warn=FALSE) head(chess_data) ## [1] "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ## [2] " Pair | Player Name ...
2530 sym Python (3336 sym/14 pcs)