Publications by McMahon
this script will be the same as 2 except with changes/additions based on discussion with Brittany to be more like Cameron 2022 methods. Would also like finalize plots. build the appropriate data frames read in relevant files This is the file with the binary mortality data for all species. mr.lrm.start<-read_csv("00_raw_data/LRM_Mortality_2.csv") ...
4258 sym R (70752 sym/94 pcs) 19 img
this script will be the same as 6 except with changes/additions based on discussion in new draft for figures. Brittany mentioned wanting the temperatures to also be floored at 0 for the intercept interpretation but I will not add that here yet. Main goal: UPDATE PLOTS for figure 4 to include ad arctica and scallops. Set up read in relevant files ...
3519 sym R (71217 sym/141 pcs) 41 img 3 tbl
this script will be the same as 7 except with changes/additions based on discussion in new draft for figures. Brittany mentioned wanting the temperatures to also be floored at 0 for the intercept interpretation but I will not add that here yet. Main goal: UPDATE PLOTS for figure 4 to include ad arctica and scallops. Set up read in relevant files ...
8634 sym Python (101315 sym/193 pcs) 48 img 3 tbl
this script will aim to assess the differences between abiotic factors in treatment tanks. Set up read in relevant files I took the dfs Diana sent me and read them in here. make changes$Tank<-as.factor($Tank)$pH_Treatment<-as.factor($pH_Treatment)$Temp_Treatment<-as.factor($Temp_Treatment) levels(temp...
368 sym Python (196547 sym/56 pcs) 4 img
this script will be the same as 2 except with changes/additions based on discussion with Brittany to be more like Cameron 2022 methods. Would also like finalize plots. build the appropriate data frames read in relevant files This is the file with the binary mortality data for all species. mr.lrm.start<-read_csv("00_raw_data/LRM_Mortality_2.csv") ...
4229 sym R (15999 sym/87 pcs) 23 img
this script will be the same as 6 except with changes/additions based on discussion with Brittany to be more like Cameron 2022 methods. Would also like finalize plots. Set up read in relevant files I took the dfs Diana sent me and read them in here. remove dead and lost We only had 66 removed. This seems a bit high to me and I wonder if the scal...
8416 sym Python (56414 sym/165 pcs) 49 img
this script will be the same as 5 except with changes/additions based on discussion with Brittany to be more like Cameron 2022 methods. Would also like finalize plots. Set up read in relevant files I took the sheet Diana sent me and saved a csv with each tab of that sheet then read those in here. remove dead and lost We had 59 removed. This is l...
3349 sym R (34416 sym/124 pcs) 41 img
this script will aim to assess the differences between abiotic factors in treatment tanks. Set up read in relevant files I took the dfs Diana sent me and read them in here. make changes$Tank<-as.factor($Tank)$pH_Treatment<-as.factor($pH_Treatment)$Temp_Treatment<-as.factor($Temp_Treatment) levels(temp...
335 sym Python (51550 sym/41 pcs) 2 img
build the appropriate data frames read in relevant files This is the file with the binary mortality data for all species. mr.lrm.start<-read_csv("00_raw_data/LRM_Mortality_2.csv") Check on structure and mutate accordingly Reminder that for survival a 1 is survived and a 0 is died. In the column ‘died’ a 0 is survived and a 1 is died. str(mr.l...
3131 sym R (17644 sym/83 pcs) 17 img 6 tbl
this script will be the same as 4 except with changes/additions based on discussion with Diana (reduce to one comparison). Would also like to combine all final species plots. Set up read in relevant files I took the sheet Diana sent me and saved a csv with each tab of that sheet then read those in here. remove dead and lost We had 59 removed. Th...
3833 sym R (33205 sym/118 pcs) 31 img 10 tbl