Publications by Maxene Hablo

Takeaways from Lessons 9-11 of the Regression Models Course in R Package


SUMMARY This report provides the summary of the key takeaways we obtained from Lessons 9-11 of the Regression Models course. LESSON 9: Residuals, Diagnostics, and Variation In this lesson, we focused on identifying and understanding outliers in regression models and their impact on the fit. We are given two figures. The first figure shows an outl...

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Takeaways from Lessons 6-8 of the Regression Models Course in the R Package


SUMMARY This report provides the summary of the key takeaways we obtained from Lessons 6-8 of the Regression Models course. Lessons 6-8 focused on delving deeper into Multivariable Regression by supplying 3 examples we can easily visualize and understand. LESSON 6: MULTIVAR EXAMPLES In this lesson, we delved deeper into the application of regre...

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Takeaways from Lessons 6-8 of the Regression Models Course in the R Package


SUMMARY This report provides the summary of the key takeaways we obtained from Lessons 6-8 of the Regression Models course in R package. Lessons 6-8 focused on delving deeper into Multivariable Regression by supplying 3 examples we can easily visualize and understand. LESSON 6: MULTIVAR EXAMPLES In this lesson, we explored the application of re...

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PROBLEM: The engineer is interested in a particular gas (C2F6) and gap (0.80 cm) and wants to test four levels of power settings: 160W, 180W, 200W, and 220W. The engineer decided to test five wafers at each level of power. The experiment is replicated 5 times; runs made in random order. DATA # Creating the data frame data <- data.frame( PO...

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Takeaways from Lessons 1-5 of the Regression Models Course in the R Package


SUMMARY The Regression Models Course in SWIRL library (RStudio) provides interactive way of learning Regression Models by providing illustrations and on-site questions, along with codes we are freely to explore. After finishing Lessons 1 to 5, here are the following key takeaways we’ve gained: LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION Lesson 1 introduced us ...

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Practice Exercise


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...

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