Publications by max humber

Hypothetical Outcome Plots


suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) # devtools::install_github("dgrtwo/gganimate") # install.packages("cowplot") library(gganimate) # install image magick in terminal >> "brew install image magick" If the Weatherman says that there is 30% chance of rain tomorrow. And it rains. Was he wrong? It’s an important question. Because it...

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Starry Night Plots


I think good data science reads like a good story. In that it flows. Has an arc. And is compelling. But data science has a dirty secret. For every piece that works, there are about nine others that didn’t. Nine other stories that look like they were typed up by a monkey with a typewriter (and in a finite amount of time!) The problem with this p...

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The Tile Grid Map for Canada


I love the tile grid map: Source I think they’re elegant, easy to read, and great for data that are population agnostic. I live in Canada, though. And it sucks (well, no it doesn’t!) because I’ve only ever seen tile grids for America. I decided that Canada deserved one. So, here is the tile grid map template for all you Canadian useRs: lib...

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Animated Spirals


Ed Hawkins’ Global Temperature Spiral is my new favourite visualization. It’s powerful, compelling, and super tangible. I wanted to apply the spiral to my own data, so I got janky with ggplot2 and figured out how to do it. Here’s my own spiral with StatsCan data on tourists visits to Canada ?: (Side Note: Y U no come to Canada N E more? It...

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Kindle clippings.txt with Python


Exactly a year ago I posted Kindle clippings.txt with R. Since then things have changed… I’m a Pythonista now! Consequently, I thought it would be fun to update that post and parse highlights with 3.6+ and pandas. Janky, but it works: import pandas as pd txt = """Sourdough (Robin Sloan) - Your Highlight on page 187 | Location 2853-2855 | Add...

753 sym Python (1764 sym/1 pcs)