Publications by Mark Lois Eyo

HW Class 3: Data Types and Esquisse


35 points (30 for this assignment, 5 for being on time) Congratulations! You have a summer internship at the Utah Department of Environmental quality. For your first assignment, your supervisor hands you a dataset of hazardous material spills from 1977 to 2014 and asks you to explore the dataset and prepare some visualizations to help the departm...

4127 sym R (8460 sym/21 pcs) 3 img

MPA 635 HW Class 2: Design Assignment


35 points (30 for this assignment, 5 for being on time) Optional: You may find it helpful to watch the following video since we will roughly follow similar steps to complete the rest of this assignment. (Note: this guy uses “=” to create objects rather than “<-” and periods (.) in object names both of which are not typical R practice.) ht...

7095 sym R (5586 sym/20 pcs) 7 img

Week 5- Covariation


25 points (20 for this assignment, 5 for being on time) Woohoo! You got hired by an HR department at a large nonprofit in Los Angeles, California. They are in the process of restructuring their employee compensation. They have asked you to explore an IRS dataset to see how other nonprofits compensate their top executives. Answer the following 6 q...

4958 sym R (6109 sym/20 pcs) 4 img

HW Class 6: Data & dplyr 1


40 points (35 for this assignment, 5 for being on time) You are working as a research assistant for a couple professors who are writing a paper about changes to asylum applications in the United States in the past few years.They would like you to produce the visuals for their paper. Step 1: Load the following libraries. Step 2: Load the asylum_...

5101 sym R (12241 sym/21 pcs) 2 img



55 points total Instructions This is a closed friend, open class material, open internet test. All graphs can be made using code from the visualization html. Graph Grading and Instruction For every graph that you generate yourself from scratch, the following grading scheme will be used: 2 points for trying some sort of code 4 points for the gra...

5776 sym R (21420 sym/22 pcs) 4 img



35 points (30 for this assignment, 5 for being on time) You are still working on visualizations for the research professors. This time they have asked you to make some different types of graphs that will require new dplyr skills. Step 1: Load the following libraries. Step 2: Load the asylum_app csv. (Use the readr package with mutate_if) asylum...

2550 sym R (7479 sym/16 pcs) 1 img