Publications by Mark Bounthavong
MEPS Tutorial 7 - Helpful notes
Introduction 1. MEPS file names 2. Expenditure categories 3. Sources of payments References Disclaimer MEPS Tutorial 7 - Helpful Notes Mark Bounthavong December 27 2023 Introduction There are several things that I’ve learned while exploring and using the Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) Medical Expendi...
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MEPS Tutorial 6 - Interrupted Time Series Analysis (ITSA) with R: A Short Tutorial
Introduction Motivating example - Total Healthcare Costs from 2016 to 2021 by sex Interrupted Time Series Analysis Design Set up the survey options Descriptive analysis Linear regression model Plot Parallel trends assumption Additional estimations Issues with...
13980 sym R (13458 sym/20 pcs) 8 img
MEPS Tutorial 5 - Simple Trend Analysis with Linear Models
Introduction Motivating example Loading the libraries Loading data into the R environment Download the linkage file Creating the pooled data file Merging with pooled survey primary sampling strata and unit Create factor variables Set the survey options Trend...
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MEPS Tutorial 4 - Using condition-event link (CLNK) file
Introduction Motivating example - Migraine-specific expenditures Part 1 - Setup Part 2 - Migraine-specific office-based expenditures Part 3 - Migraine-specific inpatient expenditures Part 4 - Combine office-based and inpatient expenditure files Part 5 - Desc...
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Interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) with Stata
Introduction Single-group ITSA Multiple groups ITSA ITSA with Stata Conducting an ITSA in Stata Method 1: Splines Method 2: Triple Interaction Term Conclusions Acknowledgements Work in progress Interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) with Stata Mark Bounthavong ...
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Exact matching using R - MatchIt package
Introduction Create a dataframe Randomize the dataframe MatchIt package Perform the exact match Testing the matching Conclusions Acknowledgements Work in progress Exact matching using R - MatchIt package Mark Bounthavong 30 September 2023 Introduction Recently, I was asked to help create a matching algorith...
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Creating a book with bookdown in R - Part 2: Chapters and References
Introduction Chapter structure Index rmd file Other rmd Chapter files Reference / Bibliography rmd file Conclusions Acknowledgements Creating a book with bookdown in R - Part 2: Chapters and References Mark Bounthavong 2023-08-19 Introduction Previously, we learned how to start a bookdown project (Part 1). ...
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Building a book using the bookdown package in R
Introduction Start a bookdown project Directory files Building the book Conclusions Acknowledgements Creating a book with bookdown in R - Part 1 Mark Bounthavong 2023-07-23 Introduction This tutorial will go over the basic setup with bookdown, an R package that is used to create HTML books. You can create a bookdown project using ...
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Presentation with R Markdown - Part 2: Add new slides
Introduction Objectives Create a new slide Adding a figure or image to the slide Adding a bullet that fades in Conclusion Acknowledgement Work in progress Presentations with R Markdown - Part 2: Adding a new slide Mark Bounthavong 29 June 2023 Introduction In my last article, I discussed how to start building a ...
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Tweedie distribution for GLM gamma model
Introduction Motivating example Load libraries Import data from MEPS Factor variables Apply survey weights Tweedie GLM model Interpreting the marginal effects Conclusions Acknowledgements Work in progress Disclaimer Tweedie GLM model in R for Cost Data 2023-05-10 Introduction Cost data is difficult to mode...
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