Publications by mark

validate 0.9.3 is on CRAN


CRAN just accepted the latest version of our R package validate. The validate package provides an infrastructure to perform any data quality check in a flexible and extensible way. This is a minor update with the following new features: New functions exists_any and exists_one to help define cross-record validation rules (thanks to David Salgado)...

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tinytest 1.2.0 is on CRAN


tinytest is a relatively new, light-weight (no-dependency) but full-featured unit testing framework for R. It is currently used by 60+ packages, including the famous Rcpp package. The latest version of tinytest was accepted by CRAN on 5 May 2020. This is a minor release with some fixes and a few new features. New features tinytest now gives you ...

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lumberjack 1.2.0 is on CRAN and paper accepted by JSS


lumberjack is a package that allows you to track (log) changes in data while an R script is running. This allows you to detect exactly which code had what effect on your data. The only thing you have to do is add one line of code at the top of your script, for example: start_log(mydata , expression_logger$new(m = mean(salary, na.rm=TRUE)) to f...

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tinytest 1.2.2 is on CRAN


The tinytest package was accepted on CRAN at 18 june. This release improves the build_install_test() function with two extra arguments that were previously missing, as reported by Patrick Breheny. Meanwhile, usage of the package continues to grow steadily. At time of writing, 72 packages are using tinytest. Markdown with by wp-gfm Related To ...

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gower 1.2.2 is on CRAN


R package gower was accepted on CRAN on 23 june 2020. This release fixes an edge case, affecting cases with a small number of records and a large number of threads. Thanks to Max Austin for kindly reporting the issue. Here’s a picture of John C. Gower: the man who came up with this famous (dis)similarity measure. Markdown with by wp-gfm Rela...

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stringdist 0.9.6 on CRAN: new features


stringdist version 0.9.6 arrived on CRAN on 16 july 2020. This release brings a few new features. Fuzzy text search Search text for approximate matches of a search string using any stringdist distance. There are several functions that allow you to detect whether there is a match within a certain maximum distance return the position of the first ...

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validate 1.0.1: new features and a cookbook


Version 1.0.1 of our validate package has arrived on CRAN on 2020-12-08. At the same time, a complete Data Validation Cookbook has been published online, and is also included with the package as a vignette. The new features of validate 1.0.1 include Improved visualisation for data validation results Easier to select data that passes or fails at ...

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Author with affiliation in bookdown: HTML and pdf


If you are using Yihui Xie’s bookdown package, it is quite easy to add authors and affiliations for HTML output. You only need to put the following pandoc options in the header of index.Rmd. author: - name: John Doe email: [email protected] affiliation: A really important institute However, this will destroy the rendering of author in pdf...

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How to set library path on a {parallel} R cluster


In R you can add extra library locations (directories where your packages are installed) with the .libPaths() function. For example, to add "~/my/lib", you can do libs <- c("~/my/lib", .libPaths()) libPaths(new = libs) If you want to set library locations for all workers in a cluster using the parallel package, the intuitive way of doing this is...

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tinytest 1.2.4 is on CRAN


Version 1.2.4 of tinytest arrived on CRAN at 17 December 2020. This release has a couple of new features. You can specify the library location in test_package with lib.loc. New function expect_inherits() to check the class of an object – Printing of file exit message is now shorter and on same line as test report. Duration per file is now repo...

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