Publications by Marco Castro

MC - Project 1 - Chess Data


Overview For this project, we were given a text document with a very specific formatting and we were asked to reformat into dataframe of columns “Id”, “Player”, “State”, “Total”, “Player Pre-Tournament Rtg”, “Avg. Openent Tournament Rating” that can exported as a csv. Since read the text file in two ways: * using readLines, ...

4141 sym 1 tbl

D607 - Assignment 04


Overview In this assigment, we were tasked with importing a messy (un-tidy) dataset, performing tiddying operations, and performing some basic analysis on our data. First, I read the csv stored on my github page # load messy dataframe from github page messy_numbersense <- read_csv("

3785 sym Python (5000 sym/15 pcs) 1 img 5 tbl

Assignment #3 - Regex and Normalization


Overview For assignment #3, we focused on normalization and regular expressions. 1. Normalization This section focuses on normalizing dataframes. First I constucted the three dummy dataframes focusing on subset of Major League baseball teams, their respective stadiums and leagues, and the last 4 games (a series) played using the tribble functions....

2617 sym Python (4942 sym/22 pcs) 1 img

D607 - Assignment 2 - Movie Ratings


Overview I conducted a simple survey asking six participants to rate six movies on a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (hi). Survey submissions were stored in a MySQL database and retrieved in R using the RMySQL package. ## Warning: package 'RMySQL' was built under R version 4.3.3 ## Loading required package: DBI ## Warning: package 'digest' was built under ...

1062 sym Python (2989 sym/14 pcs) 1 img

D607 - Assignment 1 - Urbanization Index


Overview For the first assignment, I decided to explore FiveThirtyEight’s Urbanization Index which was used as one of backbones for the article How Urban Or Rural Is Your State? And What Does That Mean For The 2020 Election? ( Fiv...

2780 sym Python (2180 sym/3 pcs) 3 img