Publications by Maliat
This project is analyzing the detriminants of wages dataset from the year 1985. The dataset was collected from the United States Census Bureau.The analysis will project the summary statistics of the dataset. The analysis will also measure the trend if the Union workers earn more than the non union workers. setwd("C:/Users/malia/OneDrive/Desktop/M...
1127 sym R (4293 sym/41 pcs) 1 img
Publish Document
This project is analyzing the detriminants of wages dataset from the year 1985. The dataset was collected from the United States Census Bureau.The analysis will project the summary statistics of the dataset. The analysis will also measure the trend if the Union workers earn more than the non union workers. setwd("C:/Users/malia/OneDrive/Desktop/M...
1131 sym R (4392 sym/43 pcs) 3 img
MSDS Data 607 Project 1
setwd("C:/Users/malia/OneDrive/Desktop/MSDS DATA 607") R Markdown Prac_chess_datasets<-read.delim("",header = FALSE, sep = "|") In this project, a text file is given with chess tournament results where the information has some structure. The objective is to creat...
1060 sym R (7402 sym/11 pcs)
String Manipulation 1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” Regular expression was implemented for this problem. str_detect fro...
2383 sym R (3162 sym/21 pcs)
R Markdown For this assignment six recent movies have been chosen and rated. the ratings have been stored in sql workbench and transferred into R studio. defaultW <- getOption("warning") options(warning = -1) options(warning = defaultW) SQLMovieData <- dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM assignment_2_607.`movie rating 2`;") SQLMovieData ## ...
425 sym R (2592 sym/7 pcs) 1 img
Assignment 1 DATA 607
Analysis of Americans’ concen regarding COVID 19 and President’s Trumps approval rate: For the purpose of this analysis an article from FiveThrirtyEight named “How Americans View The Coronavirus Crisis And Trump’s Response” was chosen. This article quantifies that the AmericanS’ concern about getting infected with COVID 19. The artic...
1504 sym R (23121 sym/63 pcs) 4 img
Week9 Assignment MSDS 607
NewYorkTimes Maliat Islam 4/10/2021 R Markdown Creation of API KEY: For this assignment firstly, I have visited website to create an accoun with NYT devlopers website.I have also registered an app named Ranalysis to get my API key.After acquiring the key,I have used it too look for the news article on the new COV...
1295 sym R (2301 sym/20 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl
Project 3 MSDS Data 607
Which are the most valued data science skills? Assignment Requirements This is a project for your entire class section to work on together, since being able to work effectively on a virtual team is a key “soft skill” for data scientists. Please note especially the requirement about making a presentation during our first meetup after the proj...
7708 sym R (13299 sym/56 pcs) 10 img 5 tbl
Main Title Assignment Requirements This is a project for your entire class section to work on together, since being able to work effectively on a virtual team is a key “soft skill” for data scientists. Please note especially the requirement about making a presentation during our first meetup after the project is due. W. Edwards Deming sa...
7672 sym R (13279 sym/56 pcs) 10 img 5 tbl
Project2 MSDS607
Project 2 Maliat 3/8/2021 R Markdown library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.2 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.0.3 v dplyr 1.0.2 ## v tidyr 1.1.2 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats 0.5.0 ## ...
281 sym R (122046 sym/118 pcs)