Publications by Macro Research

Poland CPI Final Report


CPI: Poland Overview Tabela CPI Final - Referência: jul/24 Aberturas Pesos MoM% SA SAAR MM3M% YoY% Contribuição date jul/24 mai/24 jun/24 jul/24 mai/24 jun/24 jul/24 mai/24 jun/24 jul/24 mai/24 jun/24 jul/24 Headline 100.0 0.17 0.18 1.73 2.5 2.6 4.2 4.50 4.99 8.60 17.000 18.000 173.0...

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Global PMI Report


Mundo: PMI...

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Poland IP Report


Industrial Production: Poland Expectativa BBG (Jun/24 - MoM %): +1.8% Overview Tabela - Referência: mai/24 Aberturas Pesos MoM% SA QoQ% SA YoY% date mai/24 mar/24 abr/24 mai/24 mar/24 abr/24 mai/24 mar/24 abr/24 mai/24 Industrial Production, Total 100.0 0.41 -0.98 -2.26 -0.07 -0.96 -1.66 -5.68 7.7...

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UK Labor Market


Mercado de Trabalho: UK Tabela - Overview Tabela - Mercado de Trabalho BBG date out-23 nov-23 dez-23 jan-24 fev-24 mar-24 abr-24 mai-24 BBG Payrolled employees chg 55 23 37 25 -14 15 -36 -3 -10 Employment (3m/3m change) 114 108 72 -89 -156 -177 -140 -98 Full time 187 256 206 16...

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2024 US Elections Tracking


Forecasts Tables Plots Nate Silver 538 The Economist Polls Tables National Swing States Nate Silver 538 Real Clear Politics Plots Nate Silver 538 Real Clear Politics The Economist...

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UK - PIB Mensal


PIB Mensal: UK Tabelas Tabela PIB Mensal Aberturas BBG date Oct/23 Nov/23 Dec/23 Jan/24 Feb/24 Mar/24 Apr/24 BBG Monthly GDP MoM % -0.39 0.20 -0.10 0.29 0.29 0.39 0.00 -0.1 QoQ % -0.39 -0.20 -0.29 0.39 0.49 0.98 0.68 Services MoM % -0.29 0.19 -0.10 0.39 0.29 0.48 0.19 -0...

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UK - Housing


PIB Mensal: UK Overview RICS Housing vs. BOE RICS Housing: Homes on books vs. houses sold RICS Housing: Sales to stock Ratio Pricing RICS Housing: Prices expectations vs. sales expectations RICS Housing: Price RICS Housing: Nationwide House Price RICS Housing: Nominal House Price Growth YoY%...

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Hungary IP Report


Industrial Production: Hungary Expectativa BBG (Maio/24 - MoM %): +1.2% Overview Tabela - Referência: abr/24 Aberturas Pesos MoM% SA QoQ% SA YoY% date abr/24 fev/24 mar/24 abr/24 fev/24 mar/24 abr/24 fev/24 mar/24 abr/24 Industrial Production 100.0 3.32 -3.09 -0.68 -0.78 -0.28 0.58 1.51 -3.21 -2...

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Canada GDP Report


PIB Mensal: Canadá - A prévia para o mês Apr/24 foi de: 0.3% - O carrego para o 2Q ficou em: 2.52% (vs. BoC em 1.5% QoQ) Overview Tabela - Referência: Mar/24 Aberturas Peso (MM12M) MoM% SA MM3 SAAR% YoY% Prévia Carrego (QoQ) date (%) Jan/24 Feb/24 Mar/24 Jan/24 Feb/24 Mar/24 Jan/24 Feb/24 Mar/24 Mar/2...

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Canada CPI Report


CPI: CANADÁ - All-items: 2.69% YoY (Expectativa BBG: 2.7% YoY) - Weighted Median: 2.6% YoY (Expectativa BBG: 2.7% YoY) - Trimmed Mean: 2.9% YoY (Expectativa BBG: 2.9% YoY) Overview Tabela - Goods and Services: abr/24 Aberturas Pesos MoM% SA SAAR MM3M% YoY% date abr/24 fev/24 mar/24 abr/24 fev/24 mar/24 abr/24 fev/24...

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