Publications by Mackenzie Zendt

EVD Early Outbreak - Ankh, Morporkia


A novel EVD outbreak in Ankh, Republic of Morporkia A photo of the Ebola virus A new EVD outbreak has been notified in the small city of Ankh, located in the Northern, rural district of the Republic of Morporkia. Public Health Morporkia (PHM) is in charge of coordinating the outbreak response, and have contracted you as a consultant in epidemic...

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Covid Exploratory Analysis of Incidence - June 10, 2020


World Total Cases Data as of June 10, 2020. full_data %>% filter(iso_code == "OWID_WRL") %>% ggplot(aes(date, total_cases)) + geom_line(color = "blue") + theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Total Covid Cases, World", subtitle = paste("Made on 6/12/20"), x = "Date", y="Total Cases") By Continent We see that we do not have contine...

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Daily Covid Update


The coronavirus package in R Data Source The coronavirus package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic. The raw data pulled from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) Coronavirus repository. First, we run in the package, which includes a dataset cal...

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T-tests and ANOVA


This code and vignette comes from the blog “Stats and R” by Antoine Soetewey. Link here: Perform Multiple T-Tests at Once This piece of code automates the process of drawing boxplots and performing the tests...

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Salmonella Outbreak Investigation - Stegen, Germany


This case study comes from the website: Balloons at graduation ceremony Context On 26 June 1998, the St Sebastian High School in Stegen (school A), Germany, celebrated a graduation party, where 250 to 350 participants were expected. Attendants included graduates from that school, their families and fr...

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CES Mental Health - Ordinal logistic regression model


need to put consult number into bins!!! Categorize Depression Score (Outcome) We will divide “last PHQ9 score” into three categories - people who have no depression (scores between 0 and 5), people who have some depression (scores between 6 and 10), and people who still have depression (scores 10 and above). Below, we print out a table to en...

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Covid Vaccinations per hundred, per country


This data comes from Our World in Data, published daily at: ...

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