Publications by Luna Marin

Research Report


# List of packages packages <- c("tidyverse", "infer", "fst", "modelsummary", "effects", "survey", "MASS", "aod", "interactions", "kableExtra", "flextable", "scales") # add any you need here # Install packages if they aren't installed already new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(new_packages)) insta...

2880 sym Python (20305 sym/56 pcs) 2 img 8 tbl



Task 1 Use data for Germany and the variable coding for model3 and model4 from the tutorial (i.e., both for the cleaning & recode, as well as the linear model formulas). Do a modelsummary table displaying both model outputs. Interpret the coefficients for the MLR without the interaction (i.e., the first displayed model), and interpret model fit met...

7853 sym Python (13054 sym/28 pcs) 3 img 2 tbl



# List of packages packages <- c("tidyverse", "infer", "fst", "modelsummary", "effects", "survey", "interactions") # add any you need here # Install packages if they aren't installed already new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages) # Load the packages lappl...

5003 sym Python (13748 sym/37 pcs) 4 img 3 tbl



Task 1 Based on the recoding of lrscale for “left” and “right” and omitting “moderates” (see Tutorial 4), and from this tutorial, do the long form coding for Chi-Square. Using the steps outlined in the tutorial, first generate the tables of expected proportions and frequencies. Determine and interpret the critical value for inde...

5045 sym 2 img

Marin_Luna Homework 2


Task 1 Provide code and answer. Prompt: in the tutorial, we calculated the average trust in others for France and visualized it. Using instead the variable ‘Trust in Parliament’ (trstplt) and the country of Spain (country file provided on course website), visualize the average trust by survey year. You can truncate the y-axis if you wish. Provi...

2112 sym Python (7971 sym/28 pcs) 2 img



Task 1 Provide code and answer. Prompt and question: calculate the average for the variable ‘happy’ for the country of Norway. On average, based on the ESS data, who reports higher levels of happiness: Norway or Belgium? Note: we already did it for Belgium. You just need to compare to Norway’s average, making sure to provide the code for both...

4778 sym 1 img