Publications by LeTicia Cancel



Libraries library(rcompanion) library(datasets) library(caTools) library(dplyr) library(party) library(rpart.plot) library(caret) Import Data df100 <- read.csv("") df1000 <- read.csv("

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DATA622 Homework 4


Homework #4 Assignment: You get to decide which dataset you want to work on. The data set must be different from the ones used in previous homework You can work on a problem from your job, or something you are interested in. You may also obtain a dataset from sites such as Kaggle, Data.Gov, Census Bureau, USGS or other open data portals. Sele...

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Intro The data for this assignment is from the lastest Governor Polls data found on the FiveThirtyEight site. Load libraries #install.packages("RCurl") library(RCurl) library(ggplot2) Load Governors Polls Data from GitHub and create a dataframe x <- getURL("

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Introduction This is an analysis of movie reviews taken from five imaginary individuals. Each “reviewer” was asked to share their opinion of up to six films on a scale of 1 – 5 with 1 being “Below Average” and 5 being “Excellent”. There is also a response of N/A – Did not watch film which is meant to catch any reviewers who left t...

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Libraries library(RCurl) library(xml2) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(jsonlite) library(rvest) Import Data Get all 3 book files from GitHub #Book 1 - XML file xmlFile <- "" book1 <- read_xml(xmlFile) #Book 2 - HTML file htmlFile <- "https://raw.github...

162 sym R (3459 sym/18 pcs)



Introduction Below is a analysis of different data sets provided by classmates. This analysis will attempt to answer specific questions from the person who provided the data, or a question that seems appropriate during data tidying. Libraries needed for analysis. library(sf) library(DBI) library(RCurl) library(readr) library(ggplot2) library...

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Question 1 Code that identifies majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” from [Five Thirty Eight] ( library(rvest) library(xml2) library(tidyverse) # Get URL of College Majors list site <- "

1111 sym R (2757 sym/11 pcs)



# Libraries #library(tidyverse) library(RCurl) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(tidyr) Import Tournament Data The tournament text file is saved in GitHub. The data is saved to the table t_df and the columns are renamed. #get URL and import data from GitHub site <- getURL("

878 sym R (10935 sym/16 pcs)



#Libraries needed library(RCurl) library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) library(tidyfast) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) Import Flights Data Import Flights data from GitHub site <- getURL("") df <- read.csv(text = site, sep = ",", header = TRUE) head(df) ## ...

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Introduction Below is code for scrapping Data Scientist job postings from using rvest. The goal of this scrape is to answer the question “Which are the most valued data science skills?” The code below was also used by my teammates to create functions that could be called to extract the same data, or to possibly create an R packag...

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