Publications by Louise E. Sinks
How to Execute the Code on My Blog by Downloading the Quarto File
I’ve said in several places that all my blog posts are fully executable code. I’ve provided a concise summary of how to access the code on my landing page, but I thought these instructions weren’t detailed enough for a novice user. This post will walk through all the ways you can access my code and get it running- from simplest to most comple...
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An Introduction to Web Scraping Using rvest
Tombstone Project Overview I’m working on a project for my father that will culminate in a website for his genealogy research. There are a couple of different parts that I’m working on independently. In a previous part of the project, I matched an Excel sheet with GPS coordinates and some biographic data with photos of various tombstones. I the...
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TidyTuesday 36: Visualizing Worker Demographic Information with Treemaps
Intro/Overview to TidyTuesday 36: Union Membership in the United States This week’s TidyTuesday presents data taken from the Union Membership and Coverage Database from the CPS ( created by Barry T. Hirsch, David A. Macpherson, and William E. Even. This database contains data about the wages of union and non-union workers from 1973...
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TidyTuesday 35: Exploring Fair Use Cases
Intro/Overview Today’s TidyTuesday concerns US copyright law. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted materials in some instances. Fair use law isn’t always clear, and there is often litigation to decide whether something is fair use. This week’s TidyTuesday uses a data set created by web scraping to get information about federal court cases...
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TidyTuesday: Exploring Refugee Flow with A Sankey Diagram
I’m still behind on TidyTuesday, so here is TidyTuesday #34, which deals with refugee data. This data is collected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the R package is updated twice a year. Loading Data and Libraries Libraries. library(tidyverse) # who doesn't want to be tidy library(networkD3) # for Sankey plots library(gg...
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Tidy Tuesday Twofer (32 and 33)
Last week I played around with the TidyTuesday data on hot sauces, but I didn’t polish anything or write any text. This week’s TidyTuesday data concerns spam email. I’m going to cover them both in this blog post. Loading Libraries library(tidyverse) # who doesn't want to be tidy ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────�...
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Mapping for the Tombstone Project
Project Overview I’m working on a project for my father that will culminate in a website for his genealogy research. There are a couple of different parts that I’m working on independently. In a previous part of the project, I matched an excel sheet with GPS coordinates and some biographic data with photos of various tombstones. This part invol...
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Today’s TidyTuesday takes some data about US states from Wikipedia. Last week I saw this post on Mastodon and was really intrigued by the package mentioned, GWalkr. I thought this package looked very cool, so I put it on my to try list. Embedding Social Media Posts in Quarto As a side note, I used the Quarto social embeds extension to show the M...
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A Heatmap of James Lind’s Scurvy Study
This week’s TidyTuesday concerns what some have called the first randomized clinical trial- a study by James Lind evaluating various treatments for scurvy. This data has been collected into the medicaldata R package from Lind’s book on scurvy. Loading the Libraries and Data library(tidyverse) # who doesn't want to be tidy library(gt) # nice t...
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TidyTuesday Week 28: Global Surface Temperature
Global Temperature #TidyTuesday Today’s TidyTuesday is on global surface temperatures. The source of the data is NASA GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4) and more details about this data set can be found in this published paper: Lenssen, N., G. Schmidt, J. Hansen, M. Menne, A. Persin, R. Ruedy, and D. Zyss, 2019: Improvements in the ...
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